Hot Meal: Soup of the day, Steak pie with veg or Cheese, onion and potato pasty with veg.
Pathways Evening – Thursday 18 Jan (Mrs Hamilton)
We are holding a Pathways Evening tonight in the school. The purpose of the evening is for our young people in S2, S4 and S5 to come along and find out information about the courses that will be on offer in school next session. You will be making your final course choice in February and so it is important that we support you to make the best choices for you. More information has been sent to parents and carers by email but the evening starts at 5pm in the Assembly Hall for S2 learners and at 6pm in the Library for S4 and S5 learners.
U14 Football (Mr Mooney)
Meeting today in B25 at break for all those in the squad to play St John’s next Thursday. All must attend.
S5/6 Parents’/Carers’ Evening In School on Wednesday 31 January – PEBS (Mrs Noone)
The parent/carer on-line booking system is open. Booking closes at 11:55pm on Monday 29 January.
Preparation for Music Prelim (Mrs Duckett)
Mr Wilkie will be available the second half of lunchtimes this week to accompany any S4-S6 in preparation for their practical music prelim.
Fife Festival of Music (Mrs Duckett)
All musicians in the Fife Festival of Music MUST return their reply slips to me asap!
S4-S6 FC Apprenticeships (Mrs Davidson)
If you are in S4-S6, please check your Teams for information on FC Apprenticeships.
CV/Job Application Help (Mrs Davidson)
Hazel Robertson will be in for a morning every second Friday from 9 Feb. She will also be in on Wk beg 22 Jan but day tbc. Anyone wanting help with CV or job applications can arrange to meet Hazel by making an appointment through Eve/Beckie.
Wellbeing Questionnaire (Miss Johnston)
We as the Mental Health Ambassadors are looking to see how your wellbeing is within the school. Please note we would like everyone to take this short questionnaire and be as honest as possible. It is up to you whether you want to put you name on it or not. All feedback will be taken on to try and continue to make the school, a place where you feel safe and supported.

S1 First Chances (Mr Geissler)
Could all pupils involved in S1 First Chances collect a permission slip for the next trip from Mr Geissler (B2).
S6 Yearbooks (Miss Lipton)
Reminder that full payment for the S6 Yearbook should be made before Friday 1 March. These are £20 each… please pay via iPayimpact or at the Office.
S2 Hospitality Roadshow at Fife College (Ms Akers)
We are looking for 15 S2 pupils to attend a Hospitality Event on Tuesday 30 January (all day). The event includes attending a series of workshops that highlight some of the work happening in the Food and Drink Industry so this even would be best suited to those with and interest in taking Practical Cookery in S3. Please come and see Miss Collins or Miss Akers for a permission slip. Places will be given out on a first come first serve basis so be sure to get your forms in quick.
Addleshaw Goddard – Legal Access Week (12-16 February) (Mrs Davidson)
Applications are currently open for our virtual work experience week happening 12-16 February. This is a great opportunity for S5/S6 students interested in pursuing a career in law to find out more about their options and start to develop key employability skills. Please use this link for the application and students can apply until the 22 January.
ADD.DOC.432.23.IND-8 AG Legal Access Week Flyer (Scottish) v2
Piano/Keyboard Lessons (Mr Macdonald)
Lessons are on today in the Music department.
Violin/Viola Lessons (Mrs Ranieri)
Lessons are on today in the Music department.
N5 Music Study Support (Mrs Clark)
This will run every Thursday at lunchtime.
Calm Colouring Club (Ms Geddes & Miss Millar)
If you are looking for a quiet space to enjoy your lunch and do a bit of colouring, then head along to A3 from 1:10pm every Thursday lunchtime. Ms Geddes, Miss Millar and the Mental Health Ambassadors will be there to welcome you.
Upper Strings Ensemble (Mrs Ranieri)
Upper Strings Ensemble will run today at lunchtime in the Music department.
Chemistry Study Support (Dr Black)
3:20-4:20pm in A6. Open to all levels. Start your prelim revision.
Higher Music Study Support (Mrs Duckett)
This will run every Thursday after school, 3:15-4:15pm.
Hot Meal: Soup of the day, Breaded fish or Salmon fish fingers and chips or Mediterranean frittata.
Brass Lessons (Mr Letham)
Lessons are on today in the Music department.
Woodwind Lessons (Ms Kelso)
Lessons are on today in the Music department.
Wind Band (Mrs Duckett)
Wind band will run today at lunchtime in the Music department.
Have Lunch with a Hero! (Classics Film Club)
A resurrected mummy and The Rock are trying to take over the world. Can the O’Connell’s stop their evil plans? Probably – but it’s still a fun watch. All are welcome to classics film club. Bring your lunch with you to C11. See me for a pass in advance.

KHS Radio Show on K107FM (Dr Murray)
We present a weekly show on Kirkcaldy’s radio station, K107FM every Saturday morning. You could be involved, even if you’re never available on a Saturday! We meet every Friday in A4 (Dr Murray’s room in Science) to plan the show. Come along and bring your lunch! See Dr M for a lunch/building pass.
KHS D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) Group (Dr Murray/Miss Collins)
The KHS D&D Group meets in D2 (Home Ec) every Friday after school. Take part in exciting adventures and storytelling. It’s all up to the fate of the dice!