The “Protected Characteristics” in the 2010 Equality Act: Age, Disability, Gender reassignment, Marriage and civil partnership, Pregnancy and maternity, Race, Religion or belief, Sex, and Sexual orientation. Image from Fife Centre for Equalities.
The Equalities Group plays a role in bringing up discrimination concerns in Kirkcaldy High School. We meet at lunchtime every Thursday to discuss concerns, new ideas, current projects, all in favour of striving for equality at KHS. While we know KHS doesn’t suffer on that front, we believe improvements can always be made to make high school a safe environment for everyone regardless of their race, age, gender or gender identity, sexuality, or disabilities.

The latest version of the Pride Progress Flag (Getty Images)
The LGBT+ Group is a social club that meets every Tuesday lunchtime. This is a place where LGBT+ folk and allies can connect, providing educational books and conversations, as well as pin making, loom bands and more! It’s a place in the school to make friends and be yourself. The LGBT group gives students a place to feel safe discussing their sexuality or gender identity, regardless on if they’re “out” or not, as well as help allies learn about the community.
(VN, S6)