Hot Meal: Vegetable soup, Macaroni cheese with garlic bread or Chicken fried rice with curry sauce
S4 Parents’/Carers’ Evening – In School – Tuesday 3 October – PEBS (Mrs Noone)
The parent/carer on-line booking system is open. Booking closes at 11:55pm on Friday 29 September.
U14 Football (Mr Mooney)
Can the squad meet in the PE dept at 1:30pm for the Scottish Cup tie today against Arbroath High School.
Theatre trip to see 2:22 A Ghost Story (Mr McPherson)
All young people who are going on the trip must attend a meeting today at break time in Mr McPherson’s room (Studio 1).
MVP Training (Mrs Dempsey)
Can all S5 and S6 who are doing the MVP training meet in the Assembly hall today at 8.45am to start the training at 9am.
S4-S6 Art & Design and Fashion & Textiles Study Support (Mrs Donaldson)
Starts Tuesday 26 September, 3:15 – 4:30pm in D15 on Tuesday’s.
S5/S6 EMA (Mrs Cook)
If you have applied and been approved for EMA, please bring your completed Learning Agreement form to the school office. We cannot proceed with any payments until this has been done. If you have still to apply, please do this as soon as you can. Any applications received by Fife Council after 30 September 2023 cannot be backdated and you will only be paid from the date the application is received. Please remember you also need to make a new application each academic year.
S6 Hoodies (Miss Lipton)
Can all S6 Leavers please ensure they’ve ordered & paid for their Hoodies by Friday 29 September. The cost is £20 – please remember to fill in the form with your choices.

Basketball and Badminton Clubs (Mr Harrower)
Both clubs are cancelled tonight due to a Cluster League Netball tournament taking place. The clubs will be back on next week.
Percussion Lessons (Mr Christie)
Lessons are on today in the Music department.
Chess Club (Dr Black)
Chess club runs Monday lunchtimes in A6, 1:10-1:40pm. Beginners to Grand masters welcome. Collect a lunchtime pass from Dr Black if you would like to come along.
Anime and Manga Club (Miss Kelsey)
Anybody interesting in watching, drawing, and/or reading anime and manga, can now attend the anime and manga club every Monday lunchtime in B29.
S1&2 Girls Football (Mrs Steedman)
Training will begin on Monday 3:30-4:15pm. Absolutely anyone is welcome! Make sure you bring a change of kit with you!
S6 Yearbook (Miss Lipton)
The Yearbook Committee will meet Monday’s after school in D9 from 3:15pm.
Hot Meal: Lentil soup, Pork or vegan sausages with chips.
LGBT+ Group (Dr Murray)
The LGBT+ Group meets on Tuesday lunchtime in A4 (Dr Murray’s room in Science). It is a social space open to EVERYONE whether you are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, any other identity, or an ally of the community. See Dr Murray for a pass if you want to come. Bring your lunch!
Enterprising Maths Club (Mr Jones)
Are you good at maths? Would you like to represent the school in maths competitions? All S1-S4’s are welcome to come Enterprising Maths Club, every Tuesday lunchtime in C3.
KHS Glee Choir (Mrs Duckett & Mr Wilkie)
KHS Glee Choir with Mrs Duckett and Mr Wilkie begins today after school, 3:15pm – 4:15pm in E10. No auditions, anyone who is interested in trying out singing in a show choir is welcome! Songs from all musicals – Disney, Rock, Juke-Box, Book, Class covered! Please see Mrs Duckett for more information.
S2-S3 Netball (Mrs Little)
Netball will run on a Tuesday in the Games Hall from 3:15-4:15pm. Open to all!
Dance Club (Miss Johnston)
Dance club will be on every Tuesday after school from 3:15-4:15pm. Please head to the PE base after school.
Biology Study Support (Miss Irvine)
Biology study support for all levels will take place after school every Tuesday from 3:20 – 4:20pm in A1.
S4-S6 Art & Design and Fashion & Textiles Study Support (Mrs Donaldson)
Runs on Tuesdays, 3:15 – 4:30pm in D15.