Parental Engagement

At Buckhaven Primary School we think it is important we engage with parents as regularly as possible. We have an open door policy where if you need to speak with your child’s teacher or a member of the management team you can simply pop in, give us a call or drop an email to the school.

Parents, carers and families are by far the most important influences in a child’s life. Their support can play a vital role at all stages of education.

Parents who take on a supportive role in their children’s learning make a difference in improving achievement and behaviour. The active involvement of parents can help promote a learning community in which children and young people can engage positively with practitioners and their peers. (Education Scotland)


You should find a range of information on the school website that keeps you informed as well as sign posting you to good resources to support your child and family. If there is anything you are still unsure of just get in touch.


Our main communication tool at BPS is our school app. Members of the school community can gain access to the app when they enrol their child at the school. Through the school we update parents on a weekly basis with each stage in the school sharing a weekly update on their learning. We also send out regular newsletters and any other important information through the app. The luxury of having the app means important information and documents can be at a parents fingertips in seconds rather than letters being lost in school bags.

You can get the school by downloading it from your preferred app provider. If you click the relevant image below this will take you straight to the app.