Nursery Information


Our Nursery

This section of the website contains some important information about the nursery. If you have questions please do not hesitate to ask a member of staff.

What are the session times?

Our nursery session is from 9am to 3pm for the 3 – 5 year olds.

What should my child wear?

As you know, nursery can be a messy place and we would prefer children to wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty. We encourage children to be creative and they will have the opportunity to use materials such as glue, water, sand, paint, mud and dough. Aprons are available for all our ‘messy’ activities however accidents can happen and we would hate their best clothes to get spoiled. We would, therefore, advise that your child does not wear their best clothes.

Can we ask that you send a spare set of clothes in case of accidents. As we want to encourage independence, we ask that the clothes you send as spare, as well as the clothes your child wears on the day, should be clothing they find easy to put on and take off if possible.

All items of clothing should be clearly labelled with your child’s name.

If your child comes to nursery in wellies, please ensure they have a pair of shoes to change into while playing in the nursery. Wellies and shoes should be clearly labelled.

As the weather here in Scotland is very variable, please ensure you send your child in appropriate clothing depending on the conditions. It is always advisable to wear layers as the temperature can change throughout the day.

Do the children go outside?

Our door to the outside area is always open and the children are free to go between indoors and outdoors as they wish. Can you please ensure your child is appropriately dressed for the weather (wellies, rain jacket, waterproofs). Please provide your child with suitable waterproof clothes (wellies, wet suit, jacket) for wet weather. These clothes and wellies can be left at nursery for using every day. As with all clothes and shoes, please label everything with their name.

Do you accept any clothing donations?

We would appreciate any unwanted items of clothing and under garments which we can use for toileting accidents as our stocks are running very low.

As you are aware the children are involved in lots of physical play in the garden and as we move into the colder term, there will be times where we may have to change their clothing a number of times in a day through falls, soakings or muddy ground. We would therefore greatly appreciate your help with sourcing some warmer clothing too such as jumpers and joggers.

What should I do if my child is absent or ill?

Please inform us if your child is absent (on the first day). The telephone number is 07860 003667.

In cases of sickness and diarrhoea, to prevent the spread of infections, please make sure you keep your child at home for 48 hours.

If your child becomes unwell whilst in our care, we will phone you and ask you to collect them.

If your child has a fever and/or a persistent cough, please do not bring them to nursery and follow COVID 19 guidelines.

My child need medication or has an allergy what should I do?

Please inform us of any medication or allergies your child has and any changes in their medication as required.

Medication must be clearly labelled with child’s name and dosage if to be administered by staff.

Staff will ask you to fill out an Administration of Medication form so that staff can administer it to your child.

Please hand over the medication to a staff member, it should not be left in your child’s bag.

We are more than happy to accommodate allergies. Please inform us of any allergies your child has.

You will be asked to fill out a Dietary Requirement form which will used by nursery and kitchen staff to ensure their dietary requirements are met.

Lunches and Drinks

Children are welcome to have a school lunch which consists of either a lunch bag containing sandwich or a wrap, fruit/ vegetable sticks/, a small dessert such as yoghurt and juice carton or a hot option with a drink. You are welcome to send in a packed lunch from home if you would prefer. Can we ask that packed lunches are healthy and could include food such as sandwiches, fruit, vegetables, yoghurt, cheese and milk. If possible, drinks should be sent in a resealable container.

Please ensure lunch boxes and water bottles are clearly labelled with your child’s name.

Lunch boxes and water bottles should be placed in their respective box on entering the nursery in the morning.

Please see the lunch menu below for lunchtime choices.

Nappy Changing

If your child is in nappies we require you to provide your own nappies, wipes and nappy sacks in a bag as we have a limited supply in the nursery.

Buckhaven Nursery Contribution

Every term we ask our families to help the nursery by contributing £2 per week, if possible. This money is greatly appreciated and is used to support different aspects of the Nursery setting e.g. a variety of snacks to give the children more choice (cereal, bagels, toast, fruit, etc). It also helps towards trips, resources and special events throughout the year.

Personal Learning Journey

In nursery each child has their own PLJ (Personal Learning Journey). This is an A4 ring binder which records their learning and development throughout their time at nursery. It contains things such as:

♦  Observations made by the key worker and other nursery practitioners

♦  Photographs

♦  Snapshots of significant achievements

♦  Quotes from the child

♦  Art work

♦  Mark makings

♦  Comments from parents/carers

The aim is to build a unique picture of what each child knows, feels and can do as well as his/her particular interests and learning style. This picture can then be used to pinpoint learning priorities and plan relevant and motivating learning experiences to attain a child’s next steps in development in all areas of learning.

There are several pages involving input from parents/carers which you would normally discuss with your child’s key worker. Unfortunately, due to our current situation with COVID 19, we are unable to meet with you face to face. Instead, we will be sending some of these sheets home so that you can fill them out as a family at home. Once you are finished, send them back to nursery so we can put them back in your child’s PLJ. The sheets we will be sending are:

♦  All About Me (if you have already filled this sheet in then please check to see if the information up to date or update it accordingly. (Please sign and date these sheets).

♦  Settling In

♦  Looking Back/Looking Forward

If you have any special events you wish to share with us, then you may ask staff to provide a Family Time or Star Moments Sheet to add photographs or drawings from home to place in your child’s folder at nursery.

Contact details

It is important that we are always able to contact you. Please ensure that up to date telephone numbers and address are always passed onto a member of staff or please notify our school office directly of any changes. The telephone number is 01592 583413.

Please ensure you have given us the name of a person to contact in case you are not available.

Please ensure that the person collecting your child is over the age of 16.

If someone different is coming to pick up your child please phone and inform the school of the change.

It’s really important to us that we stay connected during your time at nursery. Please use the following ways to find out what is happening and how we can help you.

♦  email at

♦  downloading My School App

♦  Twitter @buckhaven_ps

♦  Facebook Buckhaven Primary Parent Council