All posts by Mrs Jess

Weekly Information – 17th December 2021

Dalguise Trip
Please remember the next payment (£65) is due by 20th January. Please pay through iPayImpact or call us to make another arrangement.
Message from Active Schools
There is an opportunity for our pupils to take part in Junior Saints next block of sessions. These sessions are priced at £75 for 5 weeks of coaching, with a reduced rate for pupils of Staff at the university of St Andrews. I have attached the promotional posters and the booking link.
These sessions will start on 10/01/2022



Assembly – 6th December 2021

We held our assembly virtually today, using the cameras and microphones the Parent Council bought us last year.

We discussed our Charity Day on Friday. All children are invited to leave their uniform at home and wear a Christmas or favourite jumper. We are asking each child for a donation of £2 if possible and a donation for the food bank.

We discussed the work of Save the Children and the Foodbank in supporting children’s rights to Nutritious Food, an Education, Shelter and Protection from the effects of war (articles 24, 27, 28 and 38 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child).

Our stars have been living our school values of perseverance, effort, curiosity, enthusiasm, inclusion, friendship and respect. Well done to: Howie, Ola, Holly K. Emily W, Emily B and Edith.

Weekly Information – 3rd December 2021

Christmas Charity Day

10th December – no need to wear uniform, come in a Christmas or favourite jumper. We are inviting each children to bring in a contribution of £2 by today and an item for the Wormit Foodbank. You can send the £2 in with your child (preferably in an envelope with their name on). Half of the collection will go to Save the Children and the Remainder will go to school fund to help us pay for our Christmas Activities.


Wednesday 8th December

If your child is going to have a Christmas Lunch, you must order by today using the iPayImpact system. The lunch is on 15th December but we need orders by 8th. If you don’t order by 8th, your child will need to bring a packed lunch on 15th even if they usually take a school lunch.


Stakeholder Feedback

I would like to share three pieces of feedback about the work of the school:

Click Here to read the report of our recent Learning Partnership visit.

Click Here to read the feedback from a recent parental survey.

Click Here to read the feedback from a recent pupil wellbeing survey.


The Relationships and Behaviour Policy and Anti-Bullying Policies are now finalised and available on the website.


P7 Parents

The Community Council are looking for youth ambassadors.  More information is available here: Youth ambassador poster. If your child is interested in being involved, you can contact the council directly using the details on the form.


Gauldry in Bloom Festive Afternoon and Light Switch on

Saturday 4th December 3-4.30pm at the Morison Duncan Hall. Children are bringing home a flier in their bags with more details.


Christmas Woodland Club

I am advertising this on behalf of Chris Childe.




Assembly – 29th November 2021

I was able to attend Assembly today so a big thank you to Miss Diplexcito who stepped in and took the lead.

Pupil Council Update

The first Pupil Council meeting was held today. The children have decided to start a litter picking club and will then be giving some thought to how we can be better at recycling at our school.

Peer Mediator Update

The peer mediators now have yellow vests to wear in the playground with peer mediator written on them so that everyone can see who is there to help.


We  celebrated the following Stars who have been living our school values of respect, effort, achievement, inclusion and independence. Well done to: Hugo, Matthew, Ava C, Finlay, Jemima, Fergus M and Lola.


Weekly Information – 26th November 2021

Outdoor Learning

P3/4 did not have outdoor learning this week but it will start again next week.


Ordering School Lunches

Please order your school lunches on the online system (iPayImpact). Even if you don’t pay for your child’s lunch, it is still helpful if you log into the system to order their meal as it saves time in class if you have chosen with them at home and it means you know what they are eating. If your child will be late for school (arriving after 9.30) you must order online in advance. This is because Miss Sivewright needs to phone the order into the kitchens a Wormit just after 9.30 – all meals are cooked to order to avoid waste. If you don;t order in advance and your child comes into school after 9.30, they might not get their first choice of meal.


Thank You…

…to all parents who took part in the learning partnership visit on Monday. We received helpful and positive feedback and I will share the report in due course.


Christmas Event in Perth

I have been sent details of this event in Perth to share. The message from the organisers is:

Christmas Wonderland at Perth Riverside. The trail promises festive fun for families and takes place between 10th – 23rd December at Norie Miller Walk. Santa will be there in person each night, so that everyone can meet Santa at no additional cost, guaranteeing that Christmas feeling. Click here for an event map to show the range of beautiful and fun Christmas installations: Christmas Wonderland Event Map 2021_3  There is a discount code –  FIFESCHOOLS10 it offers a 10% discount on tickets. Discount code will apply to tickets purchased before 8 December (code excludes Saturdays). Be quick to get yours before they run out! More information about the event and to book tickets, check out the website

Assembly – 22nd November 2021

We are welcoming two visitors into school today – Mrs Barker and Mrs Coggins. They are headteachers and have come to school see our work and offer feedback. Mrs Else (our Education Manager) visited on Friday.

We revisited our road safety work at assembly today and focussed on a safe place to cross Gauldry main road when walking to school – somewhere without parked cars and where there is a pavement on the other side.

We made sure that everyone in P1-4 knows who our new peer mediators are: Emily, Emily and Martha and Miss Diplexcito introduced our newly appointed Pupil Council members: Fergus M, Jenna, Lola, Ola, Evie, Emily and Holly.

We celebrated four star learners who have been living our values for learning: curiosity, perseverance, enthusiasm and effort. Well done to Jack, Lily, Theo and Jackson.

Road Safety Week: 15th-19th November 2021

This week, all children have been learning about road safety. This work has been carried out in partnership with Parent Council and in response to concerns around a couple of near misses at drop off and pick up times. All children have brought home a reflector today on their bag (funded by Parent Council) and we encourage you to keep this on their bag. We have shared the learning in the primary classes on Seesaw and the Nursery pupils have brought home a Ziggy Book today. Please talk to your child about their learning in class this week and support them to continue to practise the road safety skills they have learnt. Even if the road is quiet, don’t let them cross without following Stop, Look, Listen and Think and encourage them to wear bright colours to be visible.  Please also support everyone’s road safety at drop and pick up time by leaving your car at home if you can or if you do need to drive your child to school, parking at a distance and walking the last section. The less cars around the school the safer everyone is at these busy times. Please respect the 20mph speed limit in the village.

Primary 3/4 have displayed their road safety learning on a poster – look at the super messages they have shared:

Primary 5/6/7 have displayed their learning in board games which they younger pupils will be able to play to reinforce this important learning:


Primary 1/2 enjoyed using the road layout in the playground to practise their Stop, Look, Listen, Think.

Nursery Parents, please look out for the Ziggy Book and share it at home:

Weekly Information – 19th November 2021

Christmas Arrangements

We are going to ask each family to make a donation towards the cost of Christmas at school if they are able. The suggested donation is £2 per child. We will be giving half of what is collected to ‘Save the Children’ and retaining the other half in school fund to contribute towards the cost of Christmas Craft and fun activities. Please send your Christmas Contribution into school by 10th December. Please put cash in an envelope marked with your child(ren)’s name(s). You can give the envelope to your child to hand in or pop it through the school letter box. We are grateful for your support. Please note the following dates:

Friday 10th December – Christmas Charity Day: we will invite all children to wear a Christmas Jumper for Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day and bring in one item for the Wormit Food bank. If your child doesn’t have a Christmas Jumper they can wear a jumper of their choice – please don’t buy anything especially for this day.

Wednesday 15th December – Christmas Lunch – details about ordering will follow

Friday 17th December – all children will bring home a wrapped gift they have made in school to give to a parent for Christmas. This replaces the traditional Christmas Boutique and will be our habit moving forward.

Week Beginning 20th December – we will send a recorded version of the show home for you to watch with your child (ongoing Scottish Government restrictions do not allow us to invite an audience to join us) and there will be some fun activities – more details to follow.


Message from the Laidlaw Music Centre at the University of St Andrews

Here is information about musical opportunities for children in P4 and above: StAMP Choir and Orchestra poster



Is your child interested in a Karate Club?

Details are available here about a new club: Karate – St Andrews



Responsible Citizens

As part of their work on climate change, P3/4 asked if they could do a litter pick around the village to reduce the amount of plastic in the environment.  The woods were relatively free of plastic but there was a lot of litter around the village.  They did a second litter pick around the village on Wednesday. 

Assembly – 15th November 2021

Today at Assembly we celebrated Star Learners who have been living our learning values of independence and enthusiasm.

Well done to: Ross and Jessica D.


We also celebrated some Wellbeing Stars who have lived our values of:  personal achievement, friendship, respect and inclusion.

Well done to Martha, Sebastian, Holly, Emily B, Eleanor and Lewis.


This week is Road Safety Week. The whole school is going to work on aspects of road safety and Friday will be a High Viz Day – all the children are invited to wear the brightest colours they can to school to highlight the importance of ‘Stay Safe, Be Seen’.  No team colours, please.  Each child will be gifted a reflector for their bag – thank you to the Parent Council who are funding this.


Finally, I have invited all P7 House Captains to apply for a post as peer mediator. If your child is interested, they should email their note of interest to me at by the end of the day on Tuesday 16th November. They can use their glow account to do this.