All posts by Mrs Jess

Weekly Information – 25th February 2022

Upcoming Dates

Monday 28th February – P3-7 are having a Rugby Taster session today organised by Active Schools. Please make sure your child has outdoor PE kit with them.

Tuesday 1st March – Pancake Day. P1-7 children are invited to bring in £1 to contribute towards the day. All children will be given pancake with choice of topping and a hot juice or hot chocolate at playtime. If you child has any allergies we are not aware of or you don’t want them to take part, please contact me at Nursery children will also celebrate pancake day but their costs will be covered by the contribution nursery parents have already made.

Thursday 3rd March – World Bok Day – All children are invited to come dressed as a favourite book character. There will be activities in school to celebrate reading.

Monday 7th – Friday 11th March – P6/7 Residential Trip

Tuesday 29th March – whole school ‘Spring Fling’ in the woods – more details to follow but all children will need a packed lunch and outdoor clothing on that day.

Friday 1st April – last day of term. School finishes at 3pm as usual. We restart on 18th April.





Assembly 21st February

Well Done to our Stars who have been living our school values of effort, respect, enthusiasm and personal achievement: Lewis, Bonni, Joe, Finlay and Emily B.

We have re-visited the 5 Ways to Wellbeing at Assembly today and we have spoken about Connect. At a little school like ours, it is really important that children feel connected with all others in their year group as they will move up through the school together. It is also important that they feel connected with those in other classes as the year groups might come together in future years. Covid has reduced our chances to connect so to support connections within the year groups and beyond the classes we are going to work with 3 playground zones over the next month or so – P1/3 will be in one zone P4&5 in another and P6&7 in the third. This is just one piece of work we will be doing on connect – more information to follow.




Weekly Information – 11th February 2022

Lunches Next Week

Due to an ordering issue, it will be a ham roll not a turkey roll on Monday.


P1 in August

If your child will be in P1 in August, please enrol them as soon as possible – click here to do so.

We suggest you do this by the end of February.


Don’t Forget

School is closed to all pupils (Nursery to P1) on Wednesday 16th February for an inservice training day and Thursday 17th and Friday 18th for the mid-term holiday.


Assembly 7th February 2022

Thank you everyone who brought their house competition entries in today. I will be asking the Hall Committee to look at the entries and I will announce the results once they have been decided.

If you have an entry but didn’t bring it in, I’d love to see it but the closing date was this morning so we can’t include it in the competition.

Our stars have been living our values of friendship, respect, effort and enthusiasm. Well done to Maciek, Eleanor and Joshua.



Weekly Information – 4th February 2022

Dates for your diary

  • 7th February – Last date to bring in your Dog Poo House Competition Entry – Click here for details
  • 8th February – P1 Health Check



Polite Reminder

Please make sure your child has outdoor trainers with them on PE days so that they can work on the pitch. We have no indoor facility at present until the repairs on the hall are complete. Children should have kit in school every day so that we can deliver outdoors to suit the weather.



Outdoor Learning

There will be no woods trips until we can assess the storm damage. The Nursery garden is in use but the school garden is out of bounds until work cam be done to make a section of the roof (and the chimney) safe following storm damage.



Message from Active Schools

We have been contacted by the Director of Hockey at the university of St Andrews regarding a community opportunity to take part in regular hockey sessions delivered at Saints Sports Centre. I have attached all of the information below for parents who may be interested (we received this information this week).
  • 14 weeks from 29th of January (Every Saturday)
  • 9 – 10am
  • Ages 6 – 11
  • Equipment provided
  • £42 – First Session Free 
  • Email for more information


Target Day Assembly – 31st January 2022

At Assembly today we introduced our first target day. All P1-7s have brought home their Big Picture Targets for this term today and they are available on Seesaw.  The Targets are the broad areas your child will be working to. I have asked the children to imagine they are standing at the foot of a mountain, the target is the top of the mountain. They can’t get there in one stride, they need to take lots of steps. Each lesson at school is a step towards their target. Their steps in learning will be shared regularly on Seesaw – there will be a piece of work shared about once per week to let you see their progress in school.

We celebrated stars who have been living our values of perseverance, effort, respect and personal achievement. Well done Lexi, Sophie and Holly S.

Assembly – 24th January – and a House Competition!

We have celebrated some Stars today who have been living our values of Respect, Perseverance and Teamwork. Well done to Scott, Mya, Lachlan and Owen.

I have also introduce a House Competition today. The aim of the Competition is to produce work which can be displayed in the village to support local dog walkers to pick up after their dog and keep the pitch clean.

The rules of the competition are:

  • You should work on your entry at home but you can take paper from school to use.
  • Your entry should be on A4 paper and have your name and house on the back.
  • You can work on your own or do a family entry (with a brother or sister).
  • Parents can advise but it should be the child’s own work – it is the content that is most important. If your child’s is the winning entry we can help with presentation and spelling before it is published, if needed.
  • Entries must come into school at 9am on 7th February at the latest.

There are two tasks and your child can choose which one they do:

  1. Design a poster with a bright and colourful picture and a slogan encouraging dog walkers to pick up.
  2. Write a persuasive letter asking Dog Walkers to pick up after their pet and giving suggestions for ways to make sure they do. Start it ‘Dear Gauldry Dog Walkers’ and end it ‘From the children at Balmerino Primary School’

All children who submit an entry will win points for their house and those whose entries are picked to be displayed in the village will win extra points. The village hall committee are going to help us select the entries to display.

Weekly Information – 21st January 2022

Deadline for Nursery Applications

If your child was born between 1st March 2018 and 28th February 2020 and you want them to attend Nursery during the next school year, you should apply by 31st January 2022. More information is available here: Starting Nursery | Balmerino Primary School ( If you don’t apply by this date, your will be a late application and you are less likely to get your first choice of setting.


P1/2 Outdoor Learning

P1/2 will restart their trips to the woods each Monday from this Monday coming (24th Jan). Please send your child to school in their woods clothes and with a pair of shoes they can wear inside. They need to wear warm layers and waterproofs with wellies or sturdy shoes.

Assembly – 17th January 2022

Well done to our Star Pupils – Isla-Rose, Evie and Luca – they have been living our school values of enthusiasm, independence and effort.

At Assembly today, I spoke to the children about the problem of dog poo on the pitch.  We have begun to notice this as a bit of a problem during PE lessons and would like to try to help. I have asked all children to have a think about what we could to help dog walkers be able to pick up after their dog on the pitch.  I have asked them to think about what advice we could give dog walkers or anything else we could do. They are going to talk about this in class this week but it would also be great if you could discuss it at home. Those who own dogs are well placed to share ideas with us. We are going to revisit this next week and then launch a competition/campaign.


Weekly Information – 14th January 2022

Happy New Year and Welcome to the first Information Sheet of 2022.


Date for your diary:

  • There will be a Rag Bag Collection on 3rd February, please look out for the bags coming home.
  • 8th February – P1 Health Check – please return your form as soon as possible.
  • Thursday 20th January is the last day for the Dalguise 2nd Please pay through iPayImpact or contact us for help if you can’t pay that way.


Message from Active Schools

As you may know Active Schools provide a range of opportunities for children to participate in sport and physical activities before school, during lunchtime and after school. We also provide opportunities and activities with local sports clubs and activity providers evenings, weekends and during school holidays and in-service days.

If you would like to receive and keep up to date with these activities and programmes please sign up to our newsletter here.

Kind regards

Madison Garland Active Schools



Destination Judo Introductory Offer (sent by Active Schools)

Destination Judo is the biggest junior judo school in the UK. Over the years, and with the support of Active Schools, we’ve established a very successful network of judo clubs in Fife.   We’d like to announce a special New Year offer for families in Fife:  a starter package of 1 month’s free judo in January, for all of our clubs in Fife.  The offer will run throughout January allowing kids to try out our sport  with no commitment. Triallists can wear tracksuits bottoms and t-shirts to start – and we’ll supply everything else they need.At the end of the block, they’ll be offered the chance to enrol and, on enrolment, will qualify for a free judo kit worth £40.Please find out more about our clubs and our sport on The site also has our contact details. When booking in please state that you want to take advantage of this Active Schools offer. Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Destination Judo Team

0131 467 9054



Nursery Enrolments

Nursery Enrolments for session 2022-23 are now live. More information is available here: Starting Nursery


Primary 1 Enrolments

Primary 1 Enrolments for session 2022-23 go live on Monday 17th. More information is available here: Starting P1 . You have to enrol your child for P1 even if they attend our Nursery – they don’t move on automatically.


Covid Information

I am keeping the Covid procedures page on the website up to date with changing information. I hope it will prove a useful reference point for parents and staff.: Covid-19 Procedures