Christmas Charity Day – Thursday 8th December
Everyone is invited to wear a Christmas Jumper (or a favourite jumper) to school. No uniform needed! If you are able to, please send your children with a donation for Save the Children and/or an item for the foodbank. In the run up to Christmas, they particularly need tins of soup, meat and vegetables. Through our charitable donations we are supporting the Rights of the Child to food, healthcare and education (UNCRC Articles 24 and 28)
Christmas Concert – Updated Info
Our Christmas Concert will be held on Friday 16th December in the Morison Duncan Hall. All children from Nursery-P7 are taking part. Nearer to the time, each family will receive two tickets – sorry we can’t give out more due to fire regulations. On the day of the show, please come to the hall from 1.30 for a 2pm start. Refreshments will be on sale by Parent Council before the show. Please bring your ticket – you will hand it in at the door and it will be entered into a raffle to be drawn at the end of the concert. To avoid overcrowding, entry will be by ticket only. If any family doesn’t need both of their tickets, they are welcome to give one to a friend. Tickets are free but there will be a donation on the door and we ask that you pay what you can to contribute to the cost of staging the concert.
If your child is in P2-7, don’t forget to send their costume to school in a carrier bag marked with their name on 12th December, they will come home with these clothes on the Friday after the show. If your child hasn’t given you the letter about their costume, please check their bag or contact us to let us know. Nursery children also have a most important part in the concert – the staff will be in touch if they need you to help with any items for costumes.
There has been limited interest in a second showing of the concert the following week but I am pleased to be able to tell you that we are going to do a performance of the songs at the Thursday Café on Thursday 15th December 2022 at 11.30. Any family members not able to come to the show on 16th are welcome to come along to the Thursday Café and see the children perform. I am grateful to those who running the café for giving the children this additional opportunity to perform.
We will ask you not to take photos or film during the performance but we will take photos of a dress rehearsal and share them on Seesaw.
Cost of Living Support
Click here for updated information.
Parental Survey
Thank you to all those who completed our parental survey. Click here to read the feedback: ParentalSurveyNov222
Winter Bugs
Please help us to keep everyone well in the run up to Christmas. If your child is sick or has diarrhoea, they must stay off school until a full 48 hours has past even if they seem well sooner. For example, if they are sick on Saturday afternoon, they can’t return on Monday morning as they will still be infectious, they need to stay off until Tuesday. I know it can be frustrating with work commitments if you need to keep your child off and they seem well but no one likes a tummy bug and I ask everyone including staff to keep the 48 hour rule. You should also keep your child off school if they have a temperature, unexplained rash or are too lethargic to manage the day.
Donations Wanted
Do you have any board games your family no longer plays with? We are looking for donations of games for the children to use in school to develop maths skills:
Interpreting questions
Selecting and communicating processes and solutions
Choosing strategies
Linking mathematical concepts
Using mathematical vocabulary
Using mental agility
Reason algebraically
Determining the reasonableness of a solution
Most board games (even if it is not a ‘maths’ game) will develop at least one of these skills for example, Connect 4 develops the skill or choosing a strategy and Guess Who develops the skill of selecting and communicating processes and solutions. If you have any unused games, please hand them into the office and they will be used in class.
Our School, Our Feedback
We have been developing a feedback policy. This is part of the writing action plan within our School Improvement Priority but feedback is given in every curricular area. Feedback is important because it lets our children know what they are doing well and how they can progress to the next stage of learning. Our policy is designed to be child friendly and help the children to see all the different ways we give them feedback at school. Click here to read the policy:
Our School Our Feedback We shared it with the children as assembly today but it would be great to also discuss it at home.