Weekly Information – 24th March 2023

P2-7 STEM Afternoon

P2-7 Parents are invited into school on Tuesday 28th March at 1.45pm to do a piece of Science/Technology/Engineering/Maths learning with their child. We have space for one adult per child to come. If you have more children in the school than adults available to work with them, you can move between the children so that you see what everyone is doing! P2 and 3 will work in their classroom with Miss Diplexcito, P4 and 5 will work in the P5/6/7 classroom with Mrs Purves and P6 and 7 will work in the Morison Duncan Hall with Miss Bowman. Please come to reception when you first arrive and we will direct you to the learning areas from there.



We have celebrated pupils who have lived our values of perseverance, effort and curiosity this week. Well done to Sebastian and Edith.

Several pupils have met our behaviour expectations as Secret Pupils and earned points for their house. Well done to: Sebastian, Vega, Luis, Isla, Lilly R, Evie, Mya, Ava and Ola.

We have celebrated some personal achievements which have been shared on Seesaw.

If your child has not had a personal achievement shared on seesaw yet, please encourage them to tell us about one or email me to tell me. Our aim is for every child to have an achievement shared by the end of the school year. Not only does sharing an achievement give your child a self-esteem boost, it also helps us to know more about their interests and talents.


End of Term

Thursday 30th is the last day of term – we will look forward to seeing everyone back at school on 17th April.