Weekly Information – 10th March 2023

Assembly Today

We have celebrated the achievement of the Rotary Quiz team on Wednesday evening. While they weren’t the winning team, they were commended for their teamwork and we are so proud of them for living our school value at a community event.

Hugo has been living our school values of independence and enthusiasm this week – well done to him.

We have had quite a few Secret Pupils who have met our expectations and won points for their house this week. Well done to: Florence, Ciaran, Theo, Mya, Ross, Kaia and Maya.


P1-7 Parent Teacher Meetings

Please complete the form which came home earlier in the week,, if you haven’t already, to let us know when you would like your appointment to be.


P5/6/7 Caird Hall Trip

The class had an amazing time at the Caird Hall yesterday seeing art set to music. They have had a go themselves in school today.


Woods Trips

Please make sure you child has plenty of clothes to keep them warm and dry at the woods – it is still quite wintery. They should have several layers as well as a warm, waterproof coat and boots. Please send waterproof trousers if you have them.