Weekly Information – 3rd September 2021

Dates for your diary

P3/4 will be going to Brownie Woods every Wednesday afternoon from now on. Please send suitable clothes and footwear for the weather conditions – they will change into them before they go.

P1/2 will be going to Waterloo Woods every Monday afternoon from now on. They should come to school wearing clothes that are suitable for the woods and their usual school shoes. Please send them with wellies or boots to change into before they go.

We don’t need you to sign a permission slip for woods trips as we have permission for local outings from you. But if you have any concerns or would like to withdraw your child, please contact me directly at lucy.jess@fife.gov.uk.


Please drop your filled ragbag by the recycling bins at the village hall on the morning of 9th September.


At the start of next week, a permission slip will come home to allow us to set your child up for the new school year on Seesaw which is a platform to aid home-school communication and support family learning. Please complete and return it as soon as possible so that we can get Seesaw up and running.

A glimpse inside school…

We miss being able to invite parents into school so this is an opportunity to see your child’s learning environment. It would be good to talk to them about the photos and see if they can tell you about their learning.

P5/6/7 have been learning about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and have made this charter to support rights at school. We talked about this at assembly on Wednesday and the other primary classes will be doing the same task. P5/6/7 have led the way!

P1/2 have been learning about themselves. They did self-portraits on the first day and a finger print study when learning about similarities and differences. Can you spot some colour monsters on the wall? These show the children’s feelings from the first week – this work was linked to the book ‘The Colour Monster’.

There has been a lot of interest in the work bench in Nursery so the staff have created a second one in the garden so that this play can extend outdoors. They have also set up an outdoor numeracy and literacy area.


P3/4 have started an artist study on Van Gogh. They have been learning all about verbs, adjectives and nouns this week using their reading books and ‘Handa’s Surprise’. In Science they have been learning about what needs electricity to make it work and there has been lots of good discussion about cars and lots in interest in the new charging point by the village hall. Everyone is really enjoying the class novel ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’.