Extra Curricular Clubs – Feb 2023

Dear Parents,I am writing to share the information about Extra Curricular Clubs running at Balmerino PS so you know all the opportunities which are available.TuesdayP3/4/5 Football after school from 3-4pm run by Active SchoolsWednesdayP4/5/6/7 Multisports after school from 3-4pm run by Active SchoolsThursdayP2/3/4 Lunchtime Sportzone run by our Junior Leaders (P5/6/7 pupils) in conjunction with Active Schools – your child will be able to tell you if they attend this club – it runs in the playgroundFridayP2/3/4 Lunchtime Dance Club run by our Junior Leaders (P5/6/7 pupils) in conjunction with Active Schools – you will have received an email if your child opted to attend this club as it runs in the Morison Duncan HallAfter School Multi-Sports is full but there are still places in the P3/4/5 Football on a Tuesday and if you are interested in your child joining this club you should contact the office to sign them up. Please speak to the office, not to the coach directly and please note it is only for P3/4/5 at this time. We may open it to P2 at a later point if space allows.I am also pleased to tell you that, through our delivery of PE and extra curricular clubs, we have been awarded a Bronze Sports Scotland Award and we are now working towards Silver.If any parent is interested in getting involved with running a lunchtime or afterschool club, please contact me to discuss.Kind regardsLucy Jesslucy.jess@fife.gov.uk