Weekly Information – 6th January 2023

Happy New Year to all out families and welcome back to school.

P2-7 Burns Ceilidh

This will be held in the Morison Duncan Hall on 27th January at 1.30pm. One adult per family is invited to come and join the fun with their child(ren)! Apologies that we can’t invite more of you along but there is not safe space in the hall for more that this.


Nursery Enrolments

Nursery enrolments for session 2023-24 are now open. If your child is due to start nursery at any point during the next academic year, you should apply for their place now. This applies to children who turn 3 before the end of February 2024. If your child is currently nearly 2 or is already 2, it is time to apply! Click here for details. If your child is already in our nursery and does not start school in August, you don’t need to reapply unless you want to make changes to their current placement. If your child is of school age in August but won’t have yet turned 5 and you are considering deferring them in Nursery for an additional year, you should speak to me as soon as possible as the deferment paperwork needs to be completed by 31st January 2023.

Enrolments for P1 will open in due course.



There will be no woods trips next week as we need to risk assess following last nights wind.

Please remember that, as per the letter from Carrie Lindsay last term, our school and nursery will be closed on 10th and 18th January due to Teachers’ strikes. We will let you know in a timely fashion if the strikes should be cancelled and school and nursery be open as usual.