Weekly Information – 28th October 2022

School Mascots

We have been pleased to welcome Snowie and Seaenna to our school this week. They are our new mascots and are going to help us learn about the Wellbeing Indicators and the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child. Each child will get a chance to bring them home to look after them and reflect on how they are looking after their wellbeing and rights. There is a bit of information for parents in the pack that comes with them. If your child can write a diary entry (or you can write it for them) then it will help them share their ideas with their class. This builds on the work already being done with Poppy and Henry in Nursery.


Toy Drive

The North East Fife Toy Drive is running again this year. Toy Drive collects  presents and gifts them to children whose parents or carers will struggle with the cost of Christmas this year. Donations can be dropped off at a variety of points including Wormit Primary School. If any parent wants to donate but can’t make it to Wormit, feel free to drop off at Balmerino and I can take it down for you. There is more info here: Toy Drive Poster.

If your family might struggle financially this Christmas, please contact me in confidence and I will arrange to refer you to Toy Drive – lucy.jess@fife.gov.uk 



Well done to Mya G, Ciaran and Sophie who have been living our school values of Effort and Perseverance this week.