House Competition: Our School Values

Our School, Our Future is our Vision for Balmerino PS. Click here to read it in full.

Our School, Our Future is what we all want our school to look like.

We know the school aims really well because they are our OWLS (Opportunities, Wellbeing, Learning and Support). Calling them the OWLS helps us remember them.

We all know and live our values for wellbeing and learning but we can’t always remember them all.


…your challenge is to make a poster to show the values for learning or the values for wellbeing. You should design it in a way that will help us all remember the values. You can use the ideas I shared at assembly or come up with your own.


Values for Learning







We are all a PIECE of the Team!


Values for Wellbeing




Personal Achievement

Picture your personal achievement if you climbed to the top of a tall Fir Tree!


Bring your entry to school by Friday 7th October (end of term). Put your name and house on the back. You will win house points for entering and more if your entry is the one chosen for us to display.