Weekly Information – 26th August

Assembly Today

We have discussed some up-coming opportunities at assembly today:

  • 10 P6/7s are going to climb Wet Lomond and a Munro in September
  • There will be a football match against Wormit in September (more details to follow)
  • An AM Soccer Club will run after school for P2-4 (an email came home this week)
  • P7s are going to have the chance to take on the role as Sports Leaders with the P2s
  • The P5/6/7 Multi-Sports Club will be running again after school – details to follow
  • Pupil Council will be starting again – details to follow

All our P7s have accepted the responsibility of being a House Captain. Well done to them all!


Outdoor Learning Clothes

P2/3/4 need their clothes on Monday and P5/6/7 on Tuesday. Many thanks


General Reminders

Please return data check, general permissions and flu letters on Monday, if you haven’t done so already.


Dates Coming Up

6th September – Apple Day – please come to school wearing apple coloured clothes (no uniform needed). Please bring £1 to donate to the day if you can. The focus of learning will be on Food Technology and Health and Wellbeing.

15th September – Rag Bag Collection

28th September – Tempest Photographer in school to take individual and sibling photos. Every child will have their photo taken unless you request otherwise.  There is no obligation to but. You can email lucy.jess@fife.gov.uk to request your child’s photo not be taken.