Weekly Information – 19th August

It has been lovely to welcome everyone back to school this week. Over the coming weeks and months we are looking forward to having parents come into school to work with us. We are giving ourselves an aim that every child will have at least one parent come into school for an activity at least once before Christmas. In the next week or so, you will receive a survey to tell us the times of day that are best for you and the sort of activities you would like to come into school to do.


Data Check and General Permissions – for action by all parents

These forms are coming home today. The data check shows the information we currently hold – please check it is still up to date and make any changes by hand using a coloured pen if possible (it helps us spot the changes if they are not in black!) Please sign the data check on both pages to confirm it is correct. The general permissions form needs to be completed so that we know we are following your wishes while your child is in our care. Please send both forms back in by end of day on 29th August at the latest. This will help us get all systems up to date.


Dietary Requirements Form

There have been changes to the school lunch menu. If your child has dietary requirements, you should check the menu (available here) and resubmit the form if any changes are needed – the form and information is available here.


News from Nursery

All the returners and our new pupils have settled well. There have been lots of learning opportunities both inside and out and the children have enjoyed playing together – Sharing Our Learning will start coming home next week.


Shoes at School (P2-7)

Please send your child to school in their school shoes (preferably black) each day. They should also bring a pair of shoes (preferably trainers – we recommend old ones) in their bag each day – they will wear these for outdoor PE and for playing in the garden if they might get muddy. They should bring these to and from school each day to avoid clutter and so that they can use them out of school. These are the only shoes they need for school this term.

Next term (after the October holiday) they will also need a pair of gym shoes or clean trainers to wear in the hall for PE. They will only need to bring these on PE days so they can also be worn at home or at indoor clubs.

We know that shoes are expensive and so are keeping the shoes needed for school to a minimum and not asking for them to be stored in school.


PE Kit 

P2-7 children should bring their kit to school on their PE day. We aren’t keeping the kits in school to avoid clutter and so that you can check them for washing and have the clothes at home for out of school time.

PE kit is: t-shirt, joggers or similar (not jeans), a hoody or fleece

PE days are:

P2/3/4 – Tuesday and Friday

P5/6/7 – Monday and Friday

Please can every child bring a waterproof coat with a hood to school each day. We play outside even if its a bit wet!


Outdoor Learning

P2/3/4 will do outdoor learning each Monday from 29th August

P5/6/7 will do outdoor learning each Tuesday from 30th August

Please send your child with outdoor learning clothes to change into at lunchtime. They need old trousers, t-shirt, jumper and a waterproof jacket. They can wear the trainers they bring to school anyway or wellies. They will come home in their woods clothes.

Outdoor learning will take place in the school garden, Waterloo Woods or Brownie woods depending on the content of the lesson.

Nursery parents will get information about Forest Kindergarten once arrangements have been finalised.


School Improvement 

At assembly today, we have shared our school improvement priorities with the children. They are:

  • We are becoming a French Speaking School.
  • We are becoming a Writing School – we know our strengths and next steps.
  • We are becoming an Outdoor School – we know what subjects we are learning when outdoors and how our skills are building.
  • Our Parents know about our Learning and they can help us Learn.

More information will come  home to parents about this in due course. The Nursery team and I will be also be engaging with Early Learning Documents around quality assurance and Personal Planning to ensure we continue to maintain high standards and follow national advice for our youngest learners.

Also at assembly, we reminded the children of our school vision, values and aims, our playground charter and how to get help with friendships. Click these links to find out more, it would be great to talk about them at home as well:

Our School. Our Future: Vision, Value, Aims

Playground Charter

Stand Up! Get Help!