Dates for Term 4

Wednesday 1st June

Sports Day for Nursery-P7

Parents are invited to join us on the pitch from 1.30 onwards to spectate

The School Kitchens are serving a Jubilee Picnic Lunch which the children will eat in the school garden (weather permitting). Please order their picnic through iPayImpact or send them with a packed lunch. There will be no hot meals on this day.

Friday 3rd June

Additional Holiday for Jubilee. All children will bring home a flag and a crown on the Thursday to help with any community celebrations. We will have talked about the life of the Queen in school through the week.

Monday 6th June

School Holiday

Wednesday 8th June

Some P6/7 children will be attending a football tournament at Leuchars PS. You will receive separate information if your child is involved. This was going to be our back up day for Sports Day in case its rains on 1st – we can’t use this day for sports now that it’s the football tournament. We’ll hope for a dry day on 1st and if we can’t go ahead we’ll give you plenty of notice for a new date.

Tuesday 14th- Thursday 16th June

P7s to Madras for Transition Days

As long as staffing has been confirmed for next year, there will be some transition activities this week for current P1-6s.

Wednesday 22nd June

School Outing to Craigtoun Park. Your child will need to wear clothes suitable for a day outside and bring a water bottle, snack and a packed lunch. If you want them to have a school packed lunch, you must order it in advance. You will receive a text with details of how to do this. Please pay £5 contribution per child on iPayImpact making sure you choose the ‘trip fund’ not the ‘school dinner fund’. A consent form will come home next week.

Friday 24th June

Reports coming home (pre school Nursery Children and P1-7)

Wednesday 29th June

End of Year Events

During the morning, the children will run and take part in an Enterprise Fair. We will have a picnic lunch in the garden and then parents are invited to join us on the pitch at 1.30pm for our End of Year Assembly. There will be a raffle and tombola to raise funds for the school and nursery.

Your child should bring a packed lunch on this day or you should order a school packed lunch for them in advance. There will be no hot meals. You will receive a text with details of how to do this.

All staff and pupils are invited to come to school wearing bright colours or 1960s themed clothes on this day. No school uniform required.

Thursday 30th June

Last day of term – school and nursery finishes at 3pm