Weekly Information – 22nd April 2022

P7 Parents – would your child like to get more involved in the community? Being an Ambassador could be great for them. Click here to find out more: Youth ambassador poster


Dates for Your Diary

Wednesday 27th April – P1 dental inspection.

Monday 2nd May – School Holiday

Thursday 5th May – In-service Day – school closed to pupils for staff training

Friday 6th May – Rag Bag collection

Wednesday 18th May – Madras Guidance Staff Visiting P7

Wednesday 1st June – Sports Day for Nursery-P7 (parents will be invited – details to follow)

Friday 3rd June – Additional Holiday for Jubilee

Monday 6th June – School Holiday

Wednesday 8th June – Back Up Sports Day (in case it rains on 1st!)

Tuesday 14th- Thursday 16th June – P7s to Madras for Transition Days

Wednesday 22nd June – To Be Confirmed – School Outing

Friday 24th June – reports coming home (pre school Nursery Children and P1-7)

Thursday 29th June – End of Year Assembly for Nursery-P7 (parents will be invited – details to follow)

Friday 30th June – last day of term – school and nursery finishes at 3pm


200 Miles for £200

In week beginning 9th May, we are going to hold a fundraiser for The Disaster and Emergency Committee to support their work in Ukraine and with Refugees. We will be working as a team that week to walk at least £200 miles in total between us with an aim of raising £200.  All children from Nursery – P7 will be taking part with everyone walking what their legs can manage! We have set up a Just Giving Page so that everyone who would like to donate can do so – no forms or cash required! You can access the Just Giving page here: 200 Miles for £200 or by scanning this QR Code:

Please feel free to share the page link with any family and friends who might support our fundraising effort.

I will be going over this with the children at the start of next week but am sharing it now in case you want to discuss it with your child at home in advance.


Message from Active Schools

I just wanted to pass on some information that I have received about a local SFA football session for pupils aged 4-9 years old at Waterstone Crook Sports Centre. I have attached the poster for reference for specific days and times.
Thank you,
Madison Garland