Weekly Information – 25th February 2022

Upcoming Dates

Monday 28th February – P3-7 are having a Rugby Taster session today organised by Active Schools. Please make sure your child has outdoor PE kit with them.

Tuesday 1st March – Pancake Day. P1-7 children are invited to bring in £1 to contribute towards the day. All children will be given pancake with choice of topping and a hot juice or hot chocolate at playtime. If you child has any allergies we are not aware of or you don’t want them to take part, please contact me at lucy.jess@fife.gov.uk. Nursery children will also celebrate pancake day but their costs will be covered by the contribution nursery parents have already made.

Thursday 3rd March – World Bok Day – All children are invited to come dressed as a favourite book character. There will be activities in school to celebrate reading.

Monday 7th – Friday 11th March – P6/7 Residential Trip

Tuesday 29th March – whole school ‘Spring Fling’ in the woods – more details to follow but all children will need a packed lunch and outdoor clothing on that day.

Friday 1st April – last day of term. School finishes at 3pm as usual. We restart on 18th April.