Well Done to our Stars who have been living our school values of effort, respect, enthusiasm and personal achievement: Lewis, Bonni, Joe, Finlay and Emily B.
We have re-visited the 5 Ways to Wellbeing at Assembly today and we have spoken about Connect. At a little school like ours, it is really important that children feel connected with all others in their year group as they will move up through the school together. It is also important that they feel connected with those in other classes as the year groups might come together in future years. Covid has reduced our chances to connect so to support connections within the year groups and beyond the classes we are going to work with 3 playground zones over the next month or so – P1/3 will be in one zone P4&5 in another and P6&7 in the third. This is just one piece of work we will be doing on connect – more information to follow.