Weekly Information – 20th September 2024

Taybridgehead Foodbank Collection

We will once again this year be collecting donations for the Taybridgehead Foodbank. The food bank is seeking donations of “food, toiletries and any other consumables that would help with making life that bit better for someone.  We do ask that they be of a good standard as well as having a ‘use by’ date that permits us to distribute them.”

Donations can be left/gathered at the school office. They will be collected and delivered for pick up at Wormit Primary School in time for the end of term service on 4th October.


Message from Parent Council

To all parents of the school and nursery – Balmerino Primary Parent Council invite you to join our upcoming meeting, if you have any points which you would like to be raised at the meeting please email in advance to pcbalmerino@gmail.com

We really hope you can join us.

Date:   27th September

Time:   9am

Location: Balmerino Primary School


  1. Welcome & Persons Present
  2. Apologies
  3. Funds Report
  4. Internet Safety
  5. Halloween Disco
  6. Tesco Stronger Start Grant Update
  7. Fundraising – Ideas for next Challenge
  8. School Ground Improvements
  9. AOCB
  10. Date & time of next Parent Council Meeting


Parent Council Photo

Tesco will coming out to take a publicity photo following the grant they having given for the school library. If you would like your child to be included in this photo, please let parent council know by email to: pcbalmerino@gmail.com


General Permissions/Annual Data Check
A reminder that if you haven’t already handed in your child’s general permission form and annual data check form to do so as soon as possible. It is important to return them to us every year to make sure your contact details are up to date should we need to contact you in an emergency.