Weekly Information – 14th June 2024

Message from Active Schools

Dear Parent/Carer,

I am delighted to showcase all of the fantastic opportunities our young people and families have across the local area to participate in sport and physical activity. The below SWAY details all of the club and partners community session information! Please click the link below to access a whole new community through sport!


 A reminder that Active Schools are running Family engagement sessions across week 1 of the holidays too and that we are still adding to these sessions! To register click the link below 


 Please note our Community Use camp is now fully booked, however, we are operating a wait list. 

 Thank you,

Madison Garland 



Newport Festival

Click here for information:Newport Festival Poster



Children in their pre-school nursery year and in P1-7 will bring home their school report on Friday of next week (21st June). Please take time to read the report with your child and complete the feedback sheet together.



Seesaw Next Year

We will continue to use Seesaw iN Nursery-P7 next year, please look out for an invitation to join your child’s journal towards the end of the school holidays.



Ahead of next year, if your child will be in P1-7, please read the updated procedures sheet: A-Z (glowscotland.org.uk) A papercopy will also come home with the reports.

If your child will be in Nursery, please make sure you are familiar with the procedures in the nursery booklet: Balmerino-nursery-handbook-May2024.pdf (glowscotland.org.uk)




Please check you know the dates for the rest of the year:

Monday 17th June – Nursery children going to Wormit PS for Puppet Show – please take your child to the front door of the school at 9.15am. Please note that there will not be space in the car park, you should park on the road and walk into the grounds. The front door is accessed by going in the pedestrian gate off Flass Road. If you can;t drop your child at Wormit, please email lucy.jess@fife.gov.uk and I can help.

Monday 24th June – Summer Fair and End of Year Event – all parents invited to come to school for this in the afternoon. If it should rain, we will move into the hall and may need to restrict the number of parents coming. Fingers crossed it will be dry! P7 parents will hear their child’s memories whatever the weather!

Tuesday 25th June – P7s to Mountain Biking at Lochore Meadows

 Thursday 27th June – P1-7 Woods Day – children should wear outdoor learning clothes all day. Please send them with a packed lunch from home or order a school packed lunch through iPayImpact. Please apply sunscreen first thing and send them with a hat and a waterproof coat.

Friday 28th June – Last day of term 4 – Nursery celebration – details are on Seesaw