Weekly Information – 31st May 2024

Message from Parent Council

School Ground Improvements

Dear Parent/Caregiver, This week we held a productive Parent Council meeting with Mrs Jess and Mr Rose. One of the topics of discussion was how the school grounds could be improved. We are very enthusiastic about the possibility of working together with the school to develop the school playground.  We would like to ask for your thoughts on how you feel the school grounds could be improved and how Parent Council funds could be used to support this.

Potential Ideas:
1. Paint the playground walls – refreshing the play environment
2. Develop an outdoor learning classroom – multi functional space for teaching/play/social interactions
3. Create a school garden/vegetable planter – providing students with an opportunity to see a full plant life cycle, educational and encourages teamwork and responsibility
4. Upgrade the school sign – improving front of the school
We are very open to suggestions and would welcome your thoughts, please send an email to pcbalmerino@gmail.com with your ideas on improvements to the school. We thank you in advance for your support on this matter. Kind Regards, Balmerino Primary Parent Council
Parent Council are always looking for new members and are currently recruiting for a treasurer. If you are interested in getting more involved, you can contact them directly at pcbalmerino@gmail.com


Summer Fair
The summer Fair will be held on Monday 24th June at 1.30pm followed by the end of year end, in the garden (weather permitting –  or the hall if not).
More details will follow but at this point, please can you hand in any donations for tombola/raffle (bottles, chocolates, toiletries, new items, unwanted gifts…) You can hand in to the office or at the Nursery door.
We also need volunteers to help run stalls – please email lucy.jess@fife.gov.uk if you can help. If you run a small business or have a craft etc interest, you are welcome to have a stall at the fair – £5 per table plus the contribution of a raffle prize. We would also be keen to hear from anyone with a talent for face painting.

Nursery and P1-7 Sports Day 
Fingers crossed the rain will hold of on 6th June for sports day. Please arrive from 1.15pm to the pitch. The children will come out and we will start at 1.30pm.  Parent Council would appreciate contributions for their bake sale – you can hand into the office in the morning. We will look forward to seeing you there. Children should wear kit to school all day – P1-7s can wear a t-shirt in their house colour if they have one or white if not. Please no cropped or vest tops and please apply sunscreen to your child at the start of the day. Nursery staff will top up if needed.

Summer Sandcastle Competitions

Everyone likes a free event in the summer! Click here for information…

Tesco Stronger Starts

Just a reminder that voting for the Parent Council project to set up a school library is currently open in Dundee Tesco Store – closing at the end of June. If you are in store, please pick up a blue token and pop it in the Balmerino slot!

Message from Active Schools

Dear Parent/Carer 
I am delighted to announce that Active Schools in partnership with Community Use are running a Summer camp from the 1st -5th of July at Madras College. This years summer camp will be our biggest yet with something for all of the family to enjoy. We have linked in with multiple services across the council to pull this together to ensure it is our best camp yet as part of the Active Fifers Working Group! I have listed below what we have on offer this far. Registration opens Saturday 1st June! 
Play Scheme – Multi Sport/ Activity 
Who – P1-P7 pupils
When – 1st July to 5th July 
Time – 9:30-12:30
Where – Madras College
Cost – £30 for the full week! 
To register your child for a place please contact Community Use on Communityuse.madras@fife.gov.uk or call 01334 659354 
Family Afternoons 
Who – No age limit bring your whole family
When – Friday 5th July 
Time – 1:30-3pm 
Where – Madras College
Cost – Free
Activities – Rugby and Pickleball 
Teenager and Adult offering 
What: Curling 
Who – Aged 12-100
When – Friday 5th July 
Time – 11:30 – 12:30
Where – Madras College
Cost – Free 
We are still working with some partners to add even more to our programme! We will be in touch soon as more activities are finalised. 
Be sure to get signed up quickly as spaces don’t hang around long! We can’t wait to see you all there!! 
Thank you,
Madison Garland 
Active Schools Coordinator