Weekly Information – 1st March 2024

Rag Bag Collection

There will be a Rag Bag Collection on Wednesday 6th March.  Please can we ask that any donations are brought into school on Tuesday 5th March.  Thank you


World Book Day – 7th March

World Book day is the 7th of March, children can come to school dressed as their favourite book character.


Parentwise Survey – Last Chance if you haven’t done it yet!

Please complete the Parentwise Survey – it is open until 8th March. Click here to read more details and find a QR code to scan to go to the survey. Or click here to access the survey directly. All Fife Council Schools take part in the survey and your responses and comments will be collated and shared back to me. Staff and I will use the results to plan School Improvement Priorities for next year. We really value your feedback and I encourage you to take part.


Primary 1 Enrolments for August 2024

Just a reminder that all enrolments must be done by 15th March. You must enrol for your catchment school but can then make a request for another school if you have a preference for a different school. If this is the case you should note that you won’t hear the outcome of your placing request until the end of April. If you are making a placing request to our school, please understand that I won’t be able to give you a decision until then. Click here to complete online.