Weekly Information – 6th October 2023

Messages from the Office

The milk fund is open until the 22nd of October it’s £9.75 for this term. Please pay over the holidays if your child will drink milk next term.

Reminder from Tempest – For free delivery to school of your child’s photographs order online by Sunday 8th October

Ragbag raised £114.40 this time for school fund. Thank you to all who contributed.

Tuesday 31st October

– All children invited to come to school in a costume and to enter the pumpkin competition. Carve and decorate a pumpkin at home and bring it into school. Please pay a £1 entry cost as a donation to school fund and towards the cost of the prizes if you can though your entry will be counted if you can’t.

Save the Date

There will be a P5-7 Basketball Cluster League event on  20th November 2023 @ Madras College 15:30-5:15pm. After the holidays, you will be able to tell us if your child would like to go along and we will pick a team from amongst those who are keen.

Pantomime Contribution

All children (Nursery – P7) will be going to the Byre theatre to see their performance of Cinderella on 8th December. We be leaving at approximately 9.30 and will return in time for a late lunch. Children should bring a waterbottle and snack of your choosing for the interval. To help meet the cost of tickets plus transport, we are asking for a £10 contribution per child. Please pay this by 8th December using iPayImpact – please choose the fund called Pantomime 2023. Please don’t send cash but if you have problems accessing iPayImpact, contact Tracey in the office and she will help. If you can’t meet the cost, please email me in confidence to let me know – your child can still attend – no one will miss out!

Newport Festival Christmas Cheer (High Street Lights On Event)

P5-7 children are invited to enter this competition over the October holidays. Click here for details: xmascompletter2023

Cafe Inc – free for all in the October Holidays