Weekly Information – 1st September 2023

Dates for the School Year

Dates for Nursery and School Events for this year are available by clicking here.

All children will also bring home a paper version.

Dalguise Payments

P6/7 Parents – a polite reminder that the final payment of £150 for Dalguise is due on 15th December. I am conscious that this is an expensive time of year but we have to pay the balance to PGL by the end of term so I need to ask that, if at all possible, you meet the payment date. I think it is good for children to understand the cost of the trip and you might well want to make this part of their Christmas present this year. If any family feels the will struggle to meet the final payment, I can help but I need to plan financially to do so. Christmas is also an expensive time for the school! If you think you will need help, please contact me as soon as possible and definitely by 15th September so that we can make a plan. You can contact me in confidence at lucy.jess@fife.gov.uk . If I don’t hear from you by 15th September, I will assume you can meet the final payment. Thank you for your support.


School Photographer

The Tempest photographer will come into school on the 22nd September to take individual and sibling photos. As long as you have given permission for photos, all children and sibling groups will have their photo taken unless you contact us to request otherwise. If any child is reluctant on the day we won’t make them so if you feel strongly that you want the photo taken, please make sure your child knows your wishes. If you have a younger child who is not yet at our school and would like to include them in the photo, please call Tracey in the office to make an arrangement.  If you have an extended family group at the school (e.g. cousins) and would like a photo of all the children, please contact Tracey to discuss – we will do this it possible. There is no obligation to buy.


P1-7 Parent Teacher Meetings

Thank you to all those who have completed the form already. If you haven’t done so yet, please do so over the weekend. The appointments will come out on Seesaw next week.


P1 Photos

During September we will be taking a photo of the P1s for inclusion in the local newspapers’ P1 supplements. Your child will be included in the photo as long as you have given permission for photos. We will give you any information about publication dates once we know it.


Punctuality and Attendance

Thank you to all our families for a great effort with punctuality. I have checked the late book for August today and there are no concerns. This is great as when the whole class is in the line at 9am there is a smooth start to the day for everyone and classes can hit the ground running with their learning. Everyone sleeps in  or runs late sometimes – its always better to arrive late than never or stressed so please know we understand the odd occasion of lateness, we would only contact you about your child’s punctuality if it was frequent or formed a pattern.

I have also reviewed attendance in August and am delighted that almost all P1-7 children have 100% attendance rate in August.


Polite Reminder

We ask P1-7 children not to bring toys or playground equipment to school as it can lead to mix ups and arguments. Please support your child to remember this! Playground equipment is available for playtimes and lunchtimes. We don’t allow equipment before 9am as the playground is too busy for it to be used safely. I am grateful for your support with this.