Weekly Information – 25th August 2023

General Permissions and Data Check Forms

Thank you to everyone who has returned their forms. If you haven’t yet, please do so ASAP – it means we know your wishes for your child and can be sure we have up to date details.


Assembly Today

At assembly today we discussed the wellbeing indicators (Safe, Healthy, Active, Nurtured, Achieving, Respected, Responsible and Included) and related them to our school values.


P1-7 Flu Immunisation Forms

We are still waiting for a few immunisation forms, please note these should be returned whether you wish your child to be vaccinated or not. You can opt them out on the form if you don’t wish them to have the immunisation.


P3/4 Afterschool Football

Afterschool football recommences on Wednesday 30th, there are still spaces available.


Message from Active Schools

Dear Parent/ Carer/ Volunteer, As you may be aware Active Schools Fife aim to provide more quality opportunities to take part in sport  and Physical Activity before, during and after the school day and to develop effective pathways between schools and sports clubs in the local community. We are currently striving to recruit volunteers both with or without experience in sport within the Madras College Cluster. It is important to us to have parent volunteers input into your school where appropriate to provide a sense of belonging within the school and community.

This year we aim to:
– Increase the number of extra-curricular opportunities within our cluster schools.
– Consider targeted provision that best suits your schools needs.

Could you be a parent volunteer?

There are a number of different roles volunteers can carry out. These include – coaching, assisting the delivery of activity sessions, supporting events, refereeing, admin, marketing and mini bus driving. Training and support will be provided and volunteers with Active Schools have opportunities to learn new skills, gain experience and often qualifications. You can decide how often you would like to volunteer, we are flexible in our approach and we will work around your availability.

If you have a keen interest in a specific sport or just sport in general please fill out the below form to register your interest in volunteering at your local primary school or at Madras College. We would love to welcome you into our ever growing volunteer network


Thank you,
Madison Garland, 
Active Schools Coordinator