Weekly Information – 10th February 2023

Beetle Drive

Please click here to find out about the Beetle Drive to be held in the village hall. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. If anyone misses out this time, they will be given priority at the next Beetle Drive as the Hall Committee plan to hold another one before too long.


Fife’s Neurodevelopmental Webpages – Launch

Fife Council are launching a website to signpost staff and families to. The purpose of the site is to clarify what we mean by Neurodevelopment, and to provide information on referral, diagnosis and the support available. Going forward, this will be a crucial tool in how we share information on our processes and the advice we can make available to families. The site has very recently gone live, and the Test of Change project team have asked if I would share it with staff and  families. Importantly, the project group is looking for feedback on the site content and structure as part of its future development. Users can leave feedback using the link that is included at the foot of each page. https://girfec.fife.scot/

P7 Transition to Madras

The P7s had a great visit from Mr Wishart (DHT at Madras yesterday). We have made this display to help them track their steps from now to starting S1 on 16th August and to see all the support that will be in place: Transition Display



I couldn’t be at assembly today but the teachers led it together giving the children a reminder about the importance of handwashing and celebrating stars who have been living our school values of effort and perseverance . Well done to Annie and Nora.


Next week – Don’t forget!

School and Nursery are closed on Wednesday 15th for the Inservice Day and Thursday 16th and Friday 17th for the February Holiday.