Weekly Information – 20th January 2023

Message from the Foodbank

The foodbank would like to thank everyone for their kind donations last term.  We are here to support the community should anyone require our help. We have an emergency mobile number 07840957039 where you can speak to someone at any time, or you can visit our website www.taybridgefoodbank.org.uk


Assembly Today

We have celebrated birthdays by singing in English and in French and we have celebrated two stars living our school values of effort, independence and perseverance. Well done Isla-Rose and Ava L. We also practised Auld Lang Syne for the Ceilidh.


P2-7 Ceilidh

We are looking forward to seeing parents with us at 1.30 on Friday 27th January. If you are coming along, please complete the form I sent by email on Wednesday by 9am on Monday. Just so we have numbers. Many thanks!