Weekly Information – 25th November 2022

Extended Learning Partnership Report

I am pleased to be able to share the report of our Extended Learning Partnership with you. Click here to read it. This is part of our ongoing Self-Evaluation Work.


Christmas Concert

Our Christmas Concert will be held on Friday 16th December in the Morison Duncan Hall. All children from Nursery-P7 are taking part. Nearer to the time, each family will receive two tickets – sorry we can’t give out more due to fire regulations. On the day of the show, please come to the hall from 1.30 for a 2pm start. Refreshments will be on sale by Parent Council before the show. Please bring your ticket – you will hand it in at the door and it will be entered into a raffle to be drawn at the end of the concert.  To avoid overcrowding, entry will be by ticket only. If any family doesn’t need both of their tickets, they are welcome to give one to a friend. Tickets are free but there will be a donation on the door and we ask that you pay what you can to contribute to the cost of staging the concert.

Now to the exciting part…P2/3/4 are learning what part they will be playing in the concert today. They will bring a letter home in their bag with a request for a costume. Please can you look out for this letter and help them to find the items to bring to school if you have them. P5/6/7 will also need a costume – they should bring jeans and a Christmas (or colourful) Jumper to school in a carrier bag marked with their name on 12th December, they will come home in these clothes on the Friday after the show. Nursery children also have a most important part in the concert – the staff will be in touch if they need you to help with any items for costumes.

We would consider staging a second showing of the Concert in the following week if there was enough demand and the hall is available. If your family would like more than two tickets and some of you would come to a second showing, please email me at lucy.jess@fife.gov.uk to let me know and we will look into whether this is possible.


Parental Survey

An email came home on Tuesday with a link to a parental survey – please complete  it if you haven’t done so yet. We welcome your feedback. The survey will close on Tuesday. Thank you to those who have already completed it.