17th June 2022 – A Round Up

It feels like a while since I have sent a weekly information sheet or an Assembly report. As you know this has been a busy term and I was off sick for a couple of weeks. We have sent a lot of emails because we felt you needed some information directly and quickly, rather than through the weekly sheet. This is a round up of what has been happening and is going to be happening before we break up for the summer.

Things we have done:

  • Nursery have visited the library in Newport and the Urban Beach in Dundee to enhance their learning experiences. They have had a block of work at Balmerino Beach (thank you to parents who supported with transport).
  • P1/2 and P3/4 have continued with regular forest visits to enhanced the curricular delivery through using the outdoor space.
  • P7 have had three transition days to Madras.
  • P1-6 have had a transition session where they met their new class and worked with their new teacher.
  • 10 P6/7 pupils attended a football tournament at Leuchars PS where they competed against other pupils and lived our school values to the full.
  • 8 P5/6 pupils attended a mountain biking competition at Lochore Meadows doing extremely well.
  • We all thoroughly enjoyed Sports Day and Parent Council and Pupil Council supplied refreshments to raise funds.
  • A P3-7 multi-sports club and a P3/4 football club have been running after school
  • Pupil Council (supporting by Mrs Napier and Miss Diplexcito) have been running an Art Club and a STEM Club at lunchtimes.
  • Our Girls Can (an initiative to encourage girls to continue to participate in sport) has been running in P5/6/7.
  • P5/6/7 boys have been working on team building with P3/4.


Things we are looking forward to:

  • Our Trip to Craigtoun Park – all permissions have been received and all relevant info has come by email.
  • Another P1-6 (moving into P2-7) transition day to be held on Tuesday.
  • Meeting Mrs Robertson who is joining the staff team next year and will work with P2-7.
  • Our open afternoon (an email came about this last night)
  • End of term celebration on 29th June – information has come home by email. Don’t forget your child does not need uniform (1960s clothing and/or bright colours are invited) and they will need a packed lunch.
  • Fundraising – please send tombola and raffle donations in by Monday 27th June
  • Nursery end of year celebration – a chance to celebrate the learning from this year and say goodbye to friends who will be moving onto new settings.
  • Finding out who has won the House Cup!


P1-7 assemblies have continued each week and we have celebrated those children who have been spotted living our school values and they have brought certificates home. When I have not been able to attend assembly, the teaching staff have taken ownership and kept this going. We have also used Assembly to make sure the children know all the arrangements for our events this term and for next year. At the Queen’s Jubilee, P5/6/7 shared their learning on the events of the last 70 years in a timeline.

Parental Feedback

We have gathered P1-7 parents feedback on target setting and use of Seesaw. The results are collated here: Target Setting and Sharing Learning Survey 2021-22