Assembly – 9th May 2022

It was a busy Assembly today!


200 miles for £200

We have got started on our walking challenge today and everyone in counting their miles. We have already reached our £200 fundraising target and are well on our way to £300 which is amazing! If you haven’t sponsored the school team yet, and would still like too, its definitely not too late. You can make a donation here or scan the QR code on the sheet that came home.


Community Links

The Community Council have been in touch to remind us all of the importance of wearing cycle helmets and hi-viz and about being very careful on the roads. I have advised the children only to cycle on the road if they’ve talked to a parent about it first.


Summer Fair

I have asked the children to think about stalls we could run at our school summer fair at the end of June (a Save the Date email came to parents last week). It would be good to discuss this at home too.



Our star learners have been living our values of perseverance, effort and enthusiasm this week. Well done to Ava C, Luca and Annie


House Points

The totals stand at:

Peacehill – 1223

Logie – 1251

Little Inch – 1435