Weekly Information – 25th March 2022

P1/2 next week

The class will do PE on Monday instead of going to the woods so please send them in uniform with PE kit.


P1-7 on Tuesday – Spring Fling

There are no hot lunches as we are taking packed lunches to the woods. If you haven’t already ordered a school packed lunch, you will need to send a packed lunch with your child. Please don’t order a lunch on iPayimpact for Tuesday – the ordering was done in advance and your child is either marked as ‘school packed lunch’ (if you ordered one) or packed lunch from home (if you didn’t). We will be leaving school mid-morning to walk to the woods and will be back by 3pm. All children should come in suitable clothes – no uniform required!


Nursery on Tuesday – Spring Fling

There will be an Easter Egg hunt lead by P6 in the school grounds. The children will be served lunch as usual.


Child Protection – for information 

On the in-service day, all staff had child protection refresher training. Our updated policies and procedures are available here. We are going to be sharing the ‘It’s Everyone’s Job’ leaflet with all families and friends of the school – look out for it coming home.


Covid Restrictions Easing – for information (all families)

All parents received a copy of the latest letter from Jason Leitch yesterday. In light of restrictions easing there will be changes next term and I will communicate these to you from next week onwards.