Assembly – 21st March 2022


All our trees have been allocated now and we are looking forward to seeing the photos of them! If your family has a tree, please send your photo to me as soon as possible and please also bring in your thank you letter for the village hall committee.

Fire Evacuation

Everyone did REALLY well last week when we had to evacuate the school due to an electrical overheat. We are going to keep doing fire drills so that everyone continues to know what to do.


Our stars have been living our values of effort, teamwork and enthusiasm. Well done to: Sebastian, Melissa, Edith, Hugo and Ola.

House  Points

The current totals are:
Little Inch: 1161

Peacehill: 868

Logie: 957

But there is everything to play for and lots of chance to win points next week at the Spring Fling and the Quiz!