Weekly Information – 3rd December 2021

Christmas Charity Day

10th December – no need to wear uniform, come in a Christmas or favourite jumper. We are inviting each children to bring in a contribution of £2 by today and an item for the Wormit Foodbank. You can send the £2 in with your child (preferably in an envelope with their name on). Half of the collection will go to Save the Children and the Remainder will go to school fund to help us pay for our Christmas Activities.


Wednesday 8th December

If your child is going to have a Christmas Lunch, you must order by today using the iPayImpact system. The lunch is on 15th December but we need orders by 8th. If you don’t order by 8th, your child will need to bring a packed lunch on 15th even if they usually take a school lunch.


Stakeholder Feedback

I would like to share three pieces of feedback about the work of the school:

Click Here to read the report of our recent Learning Partnership visit.

Click Here to read the feedback from a recent parental survey.

Click Here to read the feedback from a recent pupil wellbeing survey.


The Relationships and Behaviour Policy and Anti-Bullying Policies are now finalised and available on the website.


P7 Parents

The Community Council are looking for youth ambassadors.  More information is available here: Youth ambassador poster. If your child is interested in being involved, you can contact the council directly using the details on the form.


Gauldry in Bloom Festive Afternoon and Light Switch on

Saturday 4th December 3-4.30pm at the Morison Duncan Hall. Children are bringing home a flier in their bags with more details.


Christmas Woodland Club

I am advertising this on behalf of Chris Childe.