Today was a very busy assembly.
We started by reminding ourselves of Our School. Our Future. which is the Vision Statement for our school and lays down our aims and values. You can read Our School. Our Future. on the home page of the website here.
We celebrated some star learners who have been living our school values of perseverance, effort and enthusiasm. Well done to Leo, Annie and Lexi.
We also celebrated Emily B’s personal achievement in gymnastics and trampolining.
I would like to invite all parents to contact me by email if their child has a personal experience we could celebrate in school.
I then introduced a new school script called ‘Stand Up – Get Help’. This is being developed alongside our Relationships and Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policies which are currently under review. As a staff, we are working on these (taking into account Pupil Voice) and after Friday’s Inservice Day, we will be sharing draft versions with parents and looking for your input into the finished policy. You can read Stand Up – Get Help! here.
Miss Diplexcito then spoke to all children about the Pupil Council which will be re-starting in the next few weeks. She has asked all children to consider if they would like to be a Pupil Council member.
And finally, we spoke about the significance of the poppies some of us are wearing this week and I told the children they will all be given a poppy to wear on Thursday if they would like and I invited them to bring in a coin for the Poppy Appeal.
Lucy Jess