Weekly Information 24th September 2021

Apple Photos

We would love to see photos of how you used your apples at home – please send them to gw15jesslucy@glow.sch.uk. I will collate them into a presentation at teh start of next week to share in classes and at home.


Outdoor Learning

P5/6/7 Parents – please remember to send your child with outdoor learning clothes on a Thursday – some weeks the class will go to Brownie woods and others they will work in teh school garden to meet learning targets. As part of their work as House Captains, the P7s have identified a few areas of improvement they would like to help with in the school garden. This includes repainting some of the woodwork, building bird boxes, improving the pond and making signage for the younger children. The work will meet learning targets within Health and Wellbeing, Technologies and Sciences.  This work will take place as part of outdoor learning on a Thursday so P7 parents should send their child with very old outdoor learning clothes and perhaps an adult sized old shirt to use as a painting shirt.


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