Apple Festival 22nd September 2021

It’s been a wonderful Apple Festival at Balmerino Primary School today.


All the learning in school focussed on an apple theme with a STEAM focus (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths).


Everyone in Nursery got a Headteacher’s award for taking part.

For P1-7 children, the day formed one of our House Competitions. All children were given the challenge today of living our school values for wellbeing and learning. You can find these on our Home Page:

Every time the children were spotted living a value, they were given a House Point and a raffle ticket. At the end of the day, we counted up the House Points, the totals were:

Little Inch: 77

Peacehill: 57

Logie: 71

Then we drew the raffle tickets with the lucky ones winning an apple themed prize. Of course the more you’d been spotted Living the School Values, the more tickets you had in the box and the more chance to win.

Some children are bringing home a prize but everyone is bringing home some apples so that they can carry on the learning and fun at home.