Weekly Information – 17th September 2021

Outdoor Learning

Monday – Nursery and P1/2

Wednesday – P3/4

Thursday – P5/6/7


P1-7 Parent Teacher Phone Calls

We will be holding Parent-Teacher 10 minute Phone Calls in weeks beginning 27th September and 4th October. P1/2 parents will speak to Miss Diplexcito, P3/4 parents will speak to Miss Connelly, P5/6/7 parents will speak to Mrs Hogben. The purpose of the call  is to discuss how your child has settled into the new school year, their current level of learning and next steps.  As the call is only 10 minutes long, this is not the time for parent or teacher to raise new concerns. If we have concerns you are not aware of, we will contact you ahead of the meeting. If you have any concerns, please contact me at lucy.jess@fife.gov.uk to arrange a time to talk about it ahead of the call with your child’s teacher.

Please call the school office between Monday 20th and Thursday 23rd September inclusive to book a telephone appointment with your child’s teacher.

The nursery staff are also doing settling chats.


Two polite reminders…
  • Please put your child’s name on all school clothing. We can’t promise to return missing items unless they are named.
  • Please send your child with a bottle of water each day, they can drink juice at lunchtime but through the day we only allow them to drink water – this is in line with dental advice as even sugar-free juices are acidic.


Dundee Football Camp

Active Schools have shared some information from Dundee Football Club regarding their October Camp. The camp is taking place from the 11th October to the 15th October 9am-5pm for £60 for the full week of training.  Information is available here:

October Camp Flier

Standards and Quality Report and School Improvement Plan

I sent a summary to all parents via email this week and a paper copy came home in the school bags. Please take time to read the summary. If you are interested in further details, you can access the full documents on the relevant page of this website or by clicking here. 

Flu Vaccinations

The NHS have contact us to say that it has been necessary to make a few changes to the flu vaccination delivery to Primary schools. The date we were originally given has changed. The Immunisation Team from NHS Fife will attend our school on Thursday 11 November


Thank you to all parents who have completed our Parental Survey. The link came by email this week. Please complete it if you haven’t done so yet – it takes less than 10 minutes and we want to hear from as many people as possible!