Weekly Information – 10th September 2021

Outdoor Learning

P5/6/7 will start Outdoor Learning next week on a Thursday afternoon. They will go to Brownie Woods every week until further notice. Please send suitable clothes and footwear for the weather conditions – they will change into them before they go.

P3/4 will continue to go to Brownie Woods on a Wednesday and P1/2 to Waterloo Woods on a Monday until further notice.

Please assume outdoor learning is on unless you hear otherwise!

Nursery will go to Waterloo Woods on a Monday but it isn’t starting yet. This coming Monday the children and staff are going to Dundee to follow up on a learning interest on transport.

We don’t need you to return slips because we hold permission for local outings but please contact me with any concerns or to withdraw your child from an outing.


Ju Jistsu

An evening class is running in Newport each Wednesday. Click here to access information: WJJS flyers – Newport – September 2021. Then use the back button to return here.


Home Learning Device Access Survey

Thank you to all parents who have completed this survey. The data we are collecting is very helpful. Please use the link that was emailed to you to complete it by end of day on Sunday. We may have conversations with children if we need to fill in any gaps in our data next week.


Online Library Events Next Week

Here is the library service’s online schedule for next week should you wish to access any of the out of school hours events with your child.

YAY for school wb 13 Sept


Data Checks

Please return these to the school office as soon as possible so that we know your details are up to date.