First House Competition – 30th August 2021

There are two weeks to complete this challenge. It is for pupils at Balmerino Primary School. You can work as a family to do the challenge. The oldest child in each family is bringing home a matchbox today. The challenge is to put as many different items into the matchbox as you can. You want to look for things that are as small as possible but you can only put in one of each item. For example, you can put in one grain of rice but not a spoonful!

Bring your matchbox back into school on Friday 10th September. Write your name(s) on the box and write on the number of items that are inside. Everyone who brings their box in will win points for their house and the winning box will earn extra points.

Nursery children aren’t in a house – they will join one with their older siblings and buddies when they come into P1 next year. But they can still join in the competition for fun.

Good Luck and Enjoy!

(Thank you to P3/4 who helped write the instructions in this post)