Primary counselling with Relationships Scotland is now available to pupils in P6 & P7 in Falkirk. 

Counselling offers a chance to talk with a trained counsellor about difficult feelings. It is about helping an individual to make sense of things, work things out, and make decisions without being judged or criticised.

A six-week block of counselling is running prior to Christmas, and another will run between January and Easter. There will also be summer counselling provision again in July and August 2023. 

What kinds of things can counselling provide support with?

  • Having low mood, feeling anxious or stressed
  • Wanting to hurt self or others
  • Parents separating, divorcing, not getting on at home
  • Being bullied
  • Making friends and keeping them
  • Being and feeling confused about identity
  • Having a difficult time at school or at home
  • Worried about going to high school
  • Having problems with eating, drinking too much or drugs
  • Someone leaving or dying
  • Or just anything that is troubling or worrying someone

How to refer your child/pupil

This service accepts professional referrals as well as referrals directly from parents/carers. To make a referral, please contact Relationships Scotland on 01324 670067 or email (attached in QR code below).