Category Archives: P5/6

P5/6 Eco Week Clean Up

As part of Eco Week, each class had the responsibility to tidy up an area of the school grounds. P5/6 were responsible for litter picking in the playground and football pitch, and weeding one of the flower beds in the Quiet Area.

We all had a great time helping out with Eco Week!

We know how important it is to keep the school looking tidy and the dangers that litter can cause to wildlife.

Jacobite Timeline

We worked in groups today to create our own timeline of Jacobite battles. We were split into 4 groups and everyone had an important job to do. We had to make the timeline, make the labels for the battles, make the dates and the arrows.

We are very pleased with the finished product!

We hope this will help us to remember all the important dates as we learn more about some of the battles.

Firework Safety

Last week we performed our Bonfire Night assembly and gave you lots of tips and advice for staying safe!

If  you are going to a firework display tonight:

Stand well back!

If you are given a sparkler:

Do not wave it near someone, you could burn yourself or sombody else!

Always wear gloves!

Never give one to a child under 5!