Every Friday in maths we have been learning about 3D shapes. We made our own skeleton 3D shapes out of art straws and we made different 3D shapes… it’s really fun! J
We also decorated the nets of 3D shapes and then constructed them.
Our maths class went out to measure stuff like the outdoor classroom and the tarmac. We used a trundle wheel and we also went in the hall and measured the piano and the pick ‘n’ mix tables. We then went and worked out the measure and height in our math class it was really confusing. When we figured out the answers we then went back to our own class and that day was really fun.
By BoneHead
Our maths class went outside to measure water in all different jugs. We made a mess with all the water we all had different challenges. Our first challenge was to measure what was in the bucket. Our second challenge was how many cups we could fill with water out of 2000 ml. our third challenge was to find out how much water could go in a small bottle.
By Wooster
In maths with Miss Nichol we have been learning about directions. We were finding it hard using the text books so we decided to make our own maps. We measured out the grids onto big sheets of paper and made sure we divided up the boxes equally. Then we created themes for our maps. In the class we had a skate park, a zoo, a town centre and a larger town. We then made 3D models to move around the board and follow the directions from the different groups. It was great fun.
Primary 4 used mario kart to investigate time and averages. A group timed another group racing a 3 lap race and then calculated the average lap time. This did prove tricky for some, as we had to convert minutes and seconds to seconds first. We recorded the information, and it looked a bit like this:
We have completed our treasure maps by adding different items like sharks, whales, lighthouses and treasure chests! We made these out of clay then coloured them in. We drew co-ordinate lines onto our maps and tested the other groups to see if they could write down the co-ordinates of the items. All groups did very well!
P5n went out in the playground and measured the size of underwater creatures and some of them they were very large. The Great White shark can be up to 10 metres long! We used a trundle wheel and a metre stick to measure the size of them. Then we used chalk to mark the size of the sea creatures. It was fun. 😀
We have been working in our co-operative learning groups to make maps. We use maps in Endless Ocean. We have been learning about co-ordinates in maths and turned these into real 3D maps!
Yesterday, P4 went outside to find 3d shapes around the school. We found 3d shapes such as cuboids and cubes. One of the cuboids was a Blue Container.