They didn’t just reply to our letters, though – they took the time to display them in a beautiful leather-bound book with gold lettering
Our next post will be about some of the things we do outside of school … some of it might impress you
Getting To Know Primary 6V
In Primary 6V, we all have our own Glow blogs. You can find links to them HERE . If you read them, you’ll find out lots of things about what we do inside and outside school.
This post is about some of the books we like to read. We like our new reading books so much that some of us decided to write reviews about them on our Glow blogs.
You can check out Anna’s review on a Margaret Ryan book by clicking on her weemee
. She gives it 9 out of 10, so it sounds like a good read 
The book that Mason has just read comes with a warning that it contains some strong language but he still recommends it for Primary 6 stage. Have a look at what he has to say by following the link to his blog post about it
The third book review is by Natasha. She gives her book seven out of ten – but she doesn’t give too much away just in case you want to try reading the book for yourself
. Check out Natasha’s review by clikcking on her weemee 
If anyone out there has read any of these books, we’d love to hear what you think about them. Leave us a comment and let us know if you agree or disagree with our reviews … and check back often to read about what else we write about on our Glow blogs.
Our Max in the Middle Dance!
Last week we shared our Max in the middle performance with our families and our Primary One buddies. We made up two dances to include in the performance. The one below is the one that Mrs V was not in 
Our ePortfolio Experiment
Mrs Vass here! It’s been a long time since I’ve written on this blog – a big thank you to Mrs Williamson for letting me write this post 
I wanted to tell everyone about an ePortfolio experiment we’ve set up with some of the Primary 6 children in Carronshore. Some of the ePortfolios can be accessed via a page on this blog and we’re hoping to add more soon.
If you play the voki below, you’ll be able to hear how Memoona is going to use her ePortfolio.
It’s only an experiment because I’m working somewhere else at the moment, and I haven’t had a lot of time to help the Primary 6’s build their ePortfolios ….. but I think you’ll agree that the children seem to be doing just fine on their own
They chose the pages that they wanted to have included and most were very keen to have a page about their artwork.
Memoona wrote about how she enjoys art:
“I really like art and it is one of my favourite subjects.”
Iain likes art, “especially when we can draw anything we like“!
And in her ‘All About Me’ page, Jaimey wrote:
“I am also interested in art. I really enjoy art because you can kind of express yourself in a way.”
Jaimey’s comment sounds really interesting. We’re hoping that the Art teachers in the local High School will visit the ePortfolios and join in the discussions on the Art pages. This would be great because it might help the Primary six children to learn more about what to expect in Art classes when they go to High School …. and the Art teachers will be able to learn how children in Primary School feel about the subject.
If Mrs Williamson doesn’t mind, I’ll pop back here now and again to write about how the experiment is going. Meanwhile I’m sure she’ll continue to post more of the beautiful Artwork that she helps the children with here in Carronshore 
Welcome to Carronshore's New Art Blog!
Above is a soft sculpture collage showing the children of Carronshore Primary School at play. It is on show in our front entrance for all visitors to enjoy.
I am going to use this blog to display all the other great art work produced by the children of Carronshore Primary School. Most of the children’s artwork is displayed throughout the school. Their art work is regularly praised by visitors who come to our school. One of the aims of this blog is to give the children an even wider audience for their work. Eventually, I hope to give the children of the upper school their own online space to allow them to discuss their art work.
The two pictures below show the collage in closer detail. This piece was produced by P5 -7 pupils over a period of time, using recycled materials, including old tights for the children’s heads and plastic bags for trees.
These are the football teams!
Cross country runners and children playing with pogo sticks.
Please come and visit often and we would welcome any comments.
Last Post Ever …. Again
Monica left a comment. She wondered why the music on the last post made us sound like we were all dead 
The ‘music’ I chose was very sombre. I’ve re-done the music thanks to Ewan.
His delicious account led me to here.
All the music on this site is royalty free.
Monica also wrote:
Well right now i am in my room on my laptop and i am sore cos i burnt my self yesterday when i cycled half theway to glasgow with my dad and sis.i just thought i would say that cos not much people look at my blog so i basically write to myself but its fun lol.
Why not leave Monica a comment on her blog to encourage her to write more. You can visit her blog by clicking on her ‘weemee’ below.
…. And here’s the last ever post again with some ‘happier music’. Thanks Monica 
A Fond Farewell :)
It’s been a great ‘blogging’ journey with two fantastic primary 7 classes.
There are so many memorable moments! Some of the primary 7’s who’ve just left Carronshore to go on to Larbert High School have been blogging about their thoughts about moving on. You can read them by clicking on their weemees below.
I really like the bit in Anna’s post when she wrote:
I would like to thank Mrs Vass for being such a great teacher and for being there all the time and to be honest she isn’t like a teacher at all. She’s just like a taller friend ;).
Wonderful … thank you Anna 
It’s great that Miss Law has agreed to look after this blog with the help of primary 5 LW :). I’m sure they’ll do a fantastic job!
Meanwhile, here are some of the ‘best bits’ from last session 
One Week To Go!
There’s only one more week of Primary school for 7V …… and before they go, there’s even more talent to share!
Click below to have a look 
The Nursery Children's Reaction!
Meet The Next Group Of Buddies!
More of the Primary 5’s left a message for the Nursery children. We’re going to take photographs of the reaction from them when they come to visit after playtime … watch this space 
Even More Talent :)
….. And there’s still more to come 
Carronshore Has Talent ….. !!
Our Talent Show was just brilliant!
Click the arrow below to take you to just 2 of the exciting primary 7 acts …. more will follow 
More On The Visit to Larbert High School
Maryam wrote a great post recently all about what we’ve been getting up to in P7V. She promised to write about her experience at Larbert High School during her 3 day visit. Recently she took some time to write a great account of the three days spent there. You can read a small section here:
“I told you I would write back and tell you all about the three day visit :).
10th June- Today was my birthday! I was really excited in the morning and woke up jumping up and down on my bed happily. I shoved on my school clothes. We had too wear our primary school uniform because the rector wanted too recognize all the schools. My sister had done my hair and make-up for me but she got really narked when I kept smuding my eyes. Then eventaully she got it right. My Mum came in and gave me a hug and said Happy Birthday. So did my little brothers, well my little brother Bilal’s birthday present was a punch but the bruise will bring back memories. Then about ten past my Mum took me and my sister too school. I was shaking in the back seat. My Mum gave me £2.50 for my dinner money. Then when we eventually got there I stepped out the car not knowing which way too go then I saw some other people walking by that were in my class so I just followed them. Then when everyone else came we all started chatting. Chloe and Jaydean had gotten me birthday presents which was really nice of them. Jaydean had gotten me make-up and a card and little teddybear. Chloe had gotten me these goggle thingies that make you go too sleep and a suga babes poset and a card. Thank you guys :). Then eventaully Miss Keane and Mrs Vass vame along with the white booklets and we got them and went inside the school. We had too go in the assembly hall where Mrs Buchan came in, (The head of Skye), and then she started talking about stuff and then the rector came in and we had too stand up ……… “
Click on her weemee below to take you to the rest of her wonderful account of her three day ‘adventure’ at Larbert High School …. I’m so glad that her sore tummy didn’t spoil too much of her time there 
A Message For The New Primary One Pupils!
The Primary 7’s are returning tomorrow after their three day visit to Larbert High School.
Meanwhile the new Primary One pupils have been visiting Carronshore. They’ve all been assigned a buddy. Some of the buddies wanted to welcome them with a message. You can listen to their messages by clicking on the arrow below 
More News From Larbert High!
Darcie has posted about her 3 day visit to Larbert High school. It seems like she’s enjoying it so far! Read her great report below …..
We are back from our trip to larbert high school.
It was………….(wait for it) ………GREAT!!!
I can’t wait till tomorrow. Today i had science and craft,design and technology. Craft ,design and technology is all one subject if you were wondering. We didn’t do any work but i was still a bit nervous when we entered the school. There is so many stairs and hallways but i am sure (fingers crosses)i won’t get lost.Tomorrow we were told that we would go to all subjects just like a normal day! Today we only had 2 subjects tomorrow we all have SIX! The food there is wonderful and the school is massive!
Do you remember when i was talking about the Hub, well i saw that today it’s really cool! I didn’t have anything from the Hub i brought my lunch.
I am sorry but i really need to mention this but i can’t believe how many exclamation marks i have put! It was just so exciting.
The only thing you need to remember when starting out is Bring A Big bag! Well a medium size, cause you can get a lot of books home and homework. Anyway over all i really enjoyed it!
Bye for now i will try my best and get on tomorrow and tell you about my second day at Larbert.
Meanwhile Jaydean and Chloe managed an interview with Mrs Duff and Mr Gibb. Have a listen below. I really think Carronshore P 7’s will all enjoy Larbert High … what do you think??
Primary 7's 3 Day Visit To High School!
Darcie wrote:
This week we are going to high school for our induction days! We are going tomorrow , Wednesday and Thursday! I think it will be quite exciting and interesting. It’s going to be great fun as we are going to a very large new school. I am a tad nervous but not a lot.
I hope i get to know the school a little better, i also hope i don’t get lost. But i doubt that! The hub is a place where you can buy your lunch. If you don’t want to buy your food from the hub you can take a packed lunch! I am not to sure what i am going to do! It’s also going to be a longer day, but i don’t think i will even notice! Learning new things, seeing new places and making new friends is what i hope to do! I hope it goes well!
So far it seems to have gone really well …. and it’s only day one 
Here are some pictures of the P7’s enjoying the food in their new school … followed by Mr McGowans expectations for their time in Larbert High School!!
Carronshore Pupils Are Stars :)
The Interview ….. As Promised!
Click on the arrow to watch our interview with Keith Jack!
Keith's Songs
keith sang 2 songs for Carronshore … we just loved them! The first song is the one from ‘Any Dream will Do’
The second video shows Keith singing ‘You Raise Me Up’ ….. absolutely superb! 
The next post will show our live interview with him… 
Wow .. Wow … and Wow!!!
What a great afternoon we had! Keith Jack was just superb! This is just number one in a series of posts.
Here’s a small taste of what it was like to actually meet him and get the opportunity to ask him questions!
What Have We Been Up To Recently?
Check out some P7V individual blog posts made recently. Click on the weemee icons below to find out what we’ve been up to!
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…. and click on these wemee icons to take you to some entertaining imaginative writing taking place on our wonderful wikis 
Adam L
2008 Olympics – Here!
Around two thousand primary seven pupils from across all Falkirk’s 49 primary schools hosted their own Olympic Games on Friday. it was a superb event!
Carronshore represented the Bahamas
This picture was taken as we waited for the buses to arrive to take us back to school.
The event finished with a wonderful cheerleading display. The girls practised the routine during the day. It was a magnificent performance. You can see some of the action in the short video clip below.
Too Much Excitement!
Some of us posted about our school visit from keith Jack. We were so excited that we forgot to give some important details 
He’s not coming until next week
He’s going to sing a song (or maybe 2 songs)
The whole school are going to sing ‘WHY’ by Fischy Music
We’re going to perform our Alice in Wonderland production for him
And then we’ll do the exciting bit ……….