Category: Curriculum Level

Outdoor Learning Lead Teacher Course

Cooking lunch
Jane Jackson – Outdoor Learning Development Officer of the Falkirk Council Education Services Curriculum Support Team worked in partnership with ‘Grounds for Learning’ to deliver a year long CPD programme for 20 Falkirk Council primary teachers.

The teachers were selected from across the authority with every cluster being represented.  As well as being expected to take a lead in outdoor learning in their own schools, the Lead Teachers will be instrumental in establishing OL networks within their clusters.

Setting up home for the day!
The course involved the teachers in a wide range of activities with each session involving setting up base camp and getting the fire going.  We experimented with cooking a range of things on the fire including bread, stuffed apples,  soup and marshmallows!

Each session had a curricular focus and included sharing ideas for how literacy, numeracy and science could be delivered in the outdoors.  The main purpose of the course however was to stimulate discussion and thinking about how we could move close to achieving the aim of outdoor learning being embedded within the curriculum.

Some comments from participants include:

“Before undertaking the course I had virtually no understanding of how to use the outdoors as a stimulus for learning. I hate being cold and wet and dirty, but I have loved every minute of the course so far. For me building fires and dens was a small part. The big part was how the outdoors could be used to teach almost anything and how learning outdoors fits into everyday literacy and numeracy tasks quite naturally.”

“Throughout the course I was continually reflecting on how the activities would have made the learning accessible to pupils who I had taught in the past who to whom literacy and numeracy was daunting. It would allow them, at the very least, to start learning at the same level as their peers.”

“I am taking outdoor learning forward in the school next year and cannot wait to develop all that I have learned on the lead teacher programme.”

St Bernadette’s Nursery Class

Karen Thomson, Senior Early Years Officer, Falkirk Council Curriculum Support Team, has supported St Bernadette’s Nursery Class in establishing ‘Forest Friday’.  This began with a parents session on 4th October followed by the children’s fist visit on 12th October.  A group of 10 children visit Larbert Woods each week supported by 3 adults for the full nursery session.  Parents drop off and collect from the site.  This is part of the Outdoor Learning Project to encourage children to access their local woodland/greenspace and give them the opportunity to learn through play in a natural environment.

For more information – check out St Bernadette’s Blog

Learning Journey Visits

Daniel Barrie, Quality Improvement Officer and Karen Thomson, Senior Early Years Officer, Falkirk Council Curriculum Support Team are currently visiting all early years settings as a follow up to the Learning Journey training last year.

The purpose of these visits is to ascertain how each establishment are implementing Learning Journeys in their setting, for example:-

How individual children’s learning journeys are shown and tracked;

How the children’s interests  are informing the planning process;

How the learning journeys are demonstrating breadth, depth and progression?

How do the learning journeys show InterdisciplinaryLearning?

During this visit they will also be looking at Outdoor Learning within the nursery as well as planning and evaluation.  They will be collating information gathered during these visits to ascertain where Curriculum Support Team can support early years staff in preparation for CPL offered during session 2013/2014.

Comely Park Nursery Class

Comely Park Nursery Class chose Callendar Park for their venue for the Outdoor Learning Project.  Karen Thomson, Senior Early Years Officer, Falkirk Council Education Services Curriculum Support Team, assisted staff in preparing for these visits and, following a parents information session (presentation for parents  ) supported all members of staff on the initial visits.  Comley Park staff were supported by a parent helper and this is continuing every week where a group (maximum of 10 children) will spend their nursery session in Callendar Park Woods.  The children come into nursery at the normal time and then walk to the Park – the staff felt this was very important to give children the opportunity to learn about safety issues as well as improving their fitness levels.

The children are encouraged to explore the woodland area and have the opportunity to risk assessment and challenge themselves through natural play.

Click here for videos of the sessions.

More videos

School College Opportunities To Succeed

Lynne Lauder, Enterprise Co-ordinator, Falkirk Council Curriculum Support Team attended the first Joint Team planning meeting for the implementation of the new  SCOTS (School College Opportunities to Succeed) programme which will be piloted as part of the Schools College Consortia in Falkirk during the 2013-14 session.

The event, planned and facilitated by Steve Dougan, Senior Phase/Opportunities for All Co-ordinator, Falkirk Council, Fiona Brown, Curriculum Manager Quality Assurance, Forth Valley College and Hazel Mackie, Principal Officer, Falkirk Council Employment and Training Unit brought together key staff from both Forth Valley College and the Schools.

Having shared an overview of the proposed pilot which detailed the importance of joint delivery and targets, staff from the varous college faculties presented their suggestions of what the college input would be.   Joint teams then worked to generate ideas of how work undertaken in the schools would complement the overall delivery.

Some time was spent on the practicalities of delivery i.e. the recruitment and interview processes and on identifying next steps.

There was a real buzz in the room as the group synergy brought forth some really exciting possibilities.  This is an exciting new addition to the curriculum in Falkirk which will bring rich benefits to the young people of the area.

The group meet again in early May so watch this space for updates.

Bo’ness Public Nursery Class

Bo’ness Public Nursery staff identified a small woodland area within Douglas Park which they identified as an ideal site within walking distance of the Nursery.

As part of the Outdoor Learning Project within Falkirk Council, Karen Thomson, Senior Early Years Officer, Falkirk Council Education Services Curriculum Support Teamvisited the site and carried out a risk assessment with the staff.  Following information sessions for the parents (powerpoint for parents) the children began their sessions in the woods on 5th March.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

Nethermains Parent Sessions

Over the past few weeks  Karen Thomson, Senior Early Years Officer, Falkirk Council Education Services Curriculum Support Team, has held Parent Information and ‘Come and Play’ Sessions to enable parents to become more informed of the outdoor learning initiative that Nethermains Nursery Class have taken forward.

See Powerpoint for Parents

These sessions have proved very successful with parents being able to explore the woodland with their child and becoming more aware of the benefits of outdoor play and learning.  Many of the parents discussed the shift in attitudes towards play since they were children and the importance of them knowing their child is safe while in this exciting environment. 

Here is some video footage of the children’s experiences in the woodland.

St Patrick’s Nursery Class

Relaxing in the woods!

Over the past three weeks,  Karen Thomson, Senior Early Years Officer, Falkirk Council Education Services Curriculum Support Team, has been supporting St Patrick’s Nursery Class to access the Stoneywood Woods in Denny as part of the nursery session. This initially involved meetings with Karen Downie, Principal Teacher, to identify and risk assess the site and address any issues that may arise. Information was then sent out to parents to inform them of the new inititiative that their children would have the opportunity to take part in (see parent presentation).  Karen then held information sessions for the parents to come along to and ask any questions they may have. Having gained consent from the parents, all nursery children have now had the opportunity to access these woods for the full nursery session, the children are dropped off and collected at a meeting point and then staff walk with the children into the woods. As with any normal nursery session, the children are given the opportunity to play freely, explore their own interests, the environment, build confidence and take risks.  The children also have a warm snack while outdoors. Some activities are set for the children (for example maths activities such as measuring and information handling).

It is now planned that staff will take this inititiave forward in the summer term and also look at other green spaces around the school to give the children the opportunity to explore a number of different environments. It is also planned to take this forward throughout the school.

Have a look at the videos taken throughout the sessions:-

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

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