Morag Young and Morag Simpson, Physical Education Lead Officers from Falkirk Council Curriculum Support Team organised a Gymnastics twilight for primary class teachers and specialists. This course was led by Anne Murphy, from Education Scotland and specifically focussed on using apparatus. Anne demonstrated how to provide a progressive Gymnastics programme focussing on the Significant Aspects of Learning in PE from Early Level through to Second Level. This was a follow on course from the first session with Anne in February, focussing on developing practical content with literacy and numeracy links.
Examples of the very positive feedback are shown below.
“This was a wonderful course to support teachers, such as myself, when working to build confidence in our own practice.”
“The opportunity to learn more about the various techniques and how to carry them out properly was excellent and very enjoyable.”
“Demonstrations of the equipment has allowed me to be more confident using the equipment in my teaching.”