Employee Review and Development (ERD) Update

The Service and School Improvement Team at Falkirk Council Education Services have been working towards the implementation of the Employee Review and Development (ERD) Process.

Click below to view the PowerPoint presentation:
In the coming months, a number of  ERD information sessions are being held across Sealock House and Camelon Education Centre. These sessions can be booked online via CPD Manager. The sessions will provide Education Services’ Staff with an overview of Employee Review and Development; providing staff with a knowledge and understanding of the background and rationale behind the implementation of ERD for all Education Services’ Staff,  the processes and procedures relating to ERD and the electronic systems in place to support ERD. Staff will be given the opportunity to raise questions and discuss the process during the sessions. Any member of Education Services’ staff wishing to learn more about the ERD Process is invited to attend, subject to the approval of their line manager. 

This short video explains the ERD Process:

[kml_flashembed movie=”http://www.youtube.com/v/NUHe3cWX-Jk” width=”600px” height=”344px” allowfullscreen=”true” fvars=”fs=1″ /]


The system to manage the ERD process is currently being piloted through CPD Manager for a small number of staff. If you are not part of the Pilot you can still log on to CPD Manager and under the ERD Menu read the ERD Guidance document. The document explains each step of the process as well as providing links to videos that walk and talk you through the ERD Process. Also included is a glossary of ERD terms for your own reference. Not all teams will be undertaking the ERD process at the same time, but over the next 18 months you will be notified by your Line Manager when this process will begin for you.

We are currently providing support and training to Line Managers in order for them to undertake their role in the ERD Process. This course will be available to book via CPD Manager.

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