Morag Young and Morag Simpson, PE Lead Officers with Falkirk Council Curriculum Support Team delivered a twilight session at St. Andrew’s Primary School for Early Years Practitioners. This course demonstrated a variety of activities to develop the childrens’ ability to move well, using ideas from the Better Movers, Better Thinkers programme. Practitioners were also shown how to use PE activities to support the development of Numeracy and Literacy and shared ideas on developing the use of themed activity trails to support topic work. There was an opportunity for everyone to discuss resources and share ideas. This was a very practical course and the presenters would like to thank everyone for their enthusiatic participation.
Initial feedback from the session was extremely positive and a selection of comments are shown below:
“Clearly presented, interactive and helpful”
“Excellent workshop, lots of good ideas, enjoyed topic work”
“Really liked the ideas on how to link PE ideas with numeracy and literacy”
“Great course, fab instructions, I really enjoyed this course”